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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

How's everyone liking Killzone 2? I started off by playing the multi-player this weekend and I like it a lot. One fear I had was how long it would take to get to General. The answer: not very long. After logging in 3 1/2 hours in multiplayer I'm almost halfway there. It helped that I was on the winning team a lot. You get a 1.5x bonus to your score if you are on the winning team.

And the weekly honor ranks may not be all that bad. If you have to be in the top 1% for that week then currently you need to be in the top 3,120 out of 312,000 register users. I was around 3,500 the other day. But overnight I jumped up to 15,500. I believe the 1st week will be really hard to maintain. Now I wonder, as people stop playing during later weeks will it still count all the registered 'inactive' users towards the weekly honor %. That alone would make them much easier to attain.

Also blasted through the single player in a single sitting last night. Graphics, physics, shooting, weapons all top notch. Story and character development was unfortunately very weak. Despite the story flaw I'd give it a 9/10 for its awesome gameplay and fantastic multi-player.

As far as platinum goes: my initial impression is that getting all the ribbons/medals in multi-player will make this game really hard to platinum. I suspect beating it on Elite difficulty will be very challenging too.

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HideoK said:
How's everyone liking Killzone 2? I started off by playing the multi-player this weekend and I like it a lot. One fear I had was how long it would take to get to General. The answer: not very long. After logging in 3 1/2 hours in multiplayer I'm almost halfway there. It helped that I was on the winning team a lot. You get a 1.5x bonus to your score if you are on the winning team.

And the weekly honor ranks may not be all that bad. If you have to be in the top 1% for that week then currently you need to be in the top 3,120 out of 312,000 register users. I was around 3,500 the other day. But overnight I jumped up to 15,500. I believe the 1st week will be really hard to maintain. Now I wonder, as people stop playing during later weeks will it still count all the registered 'inactive' users towards the weekly honor %. That alone would make them much easier to attain.

Also blasted through the single player in a single sitting last night. Graphics, physics, shooting, weapons all top notch. Story and character development was unfortunately very weak. Despite the story flaw I'd give it a 9/10 for its awesome gameplay and fantastic multi-player.

As far as platinum goes: my initial impression is that getting all the ribbons/medals in multi-player will make this game really hard to platinum. I suspect beating it on Elite difficulty will be very challenging too.

I only played single player a couple hours.

It was fine but I wasn't overwhelmed. Part of the issue was the weird R3/L1 thingy that works opposite of Resistance 2.

I will get back to it soon and see if I can customize those...

PS : Grr I just checked the medals/ribbons badges and some are linked to being in a clan and doing quite a lot of clan matches....


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I see Killzone 2 shadowed the release of Street Fighter IV on the ps3 a bit

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

You guys are definitely turning me off of the idea of maybe trying to plat Mirror's Edge someday if I find it cheap.

HideoK said:
How's everyone liking Killzone 2? I started off by playing the multi-player this weekend and I like it a lot. One fear I had was how long it would take to get to General. The answer: not very long. After logging in 3 1/2 hours in multiplayer I'm almost halfway there. It helped that I was on the winning team a lot. You get a 1.5x bonus to your score if you are on the winning team.

And the weekly honor ranks may not be all that bad. If you have to be in the top 1% for that week then currently you need to be in the top 3,120 out of 312,000 register users. I was around 3,500 the other day. But overnight I jumped up to 15,500. I believe the 1st week will be really hard to maintain. Now I wonder, as people stop playing during later weeks will it still count all the registered 'inactive' users towards the weekly honor %. That alone would make them much easier to attain.

Also blasted through the single player in a single sitting last night. Graphics, physics, shooting, weapons all top notch. Story and character development was unfortunately very weak. Despite the story flaw I'd give it a 9/10 for its awesome gameplay and fantastic multi-player.

As far as platinum goes: my initial impression is that getting all the ribbons/medals in multi-player will make this game really hard to platinum. I suspect beating it on Elite difficulty will be very challenging too.

Good that u like it, myself i dont find the online better than Cod4.

I just got to General but as u said the Elite difficulty will be hard and the weekly online aswell btw i also achvied the weekly online rank honor %3.



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Jboy0990 said:
Hey Ail did u do the Office time trial?
That one was a bitch for me


Between as I said I have been following your ghosts on time trial and if you want to 3 stars some of them check my ghost, for a couple of them while I had a tough time keeping up with you on some parts I found a section where you can save 3-5 seconds compared to the way you follow ( still put me short of 3 stars but that should help :P).

I think it was the Burfield and the Crane 1 runs...( Burfield you can save 4 seconds in last part, and Crane 1 in the 1st and the 3rd or 4th one).


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

fadetoone said:
You guys are definitely turning me off of the idea of maybe trying to plat Mirror's Edge someday if I find it cheap.

If you like it enough, then it wont be that big of a deal. The only reason I platinum'ed ME was because I liked it so much

Rainbird said:
fadetoone said:
You guys are definitely turning me off of the idea of maybe trying to plat Mirror's Edge someday if I find it cheap.

If you like it enough, then it wont be that big of a deal. The only reason I platinum'ed ME was because I liked it so much


It's a very fun game that sadly sometime gets frustrating  when you fail hardcore.

Still for me it's a case of ' one more, this time I will get it right' that keeps me playing till the middle of the night...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

LAME! i killed the heavy in killzone 2 in 1 min 2 secs. needed to kill it in 1 min for the trophy lol

Looks like RedhairedShanks sneaked by and beat us both Hideok by the way.
When I checked his gamer card yesterday he had 12 platinum !

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !