thanks flow. that sonic game helped me out alot!!
Its close in the top 5
Damn DunnDunn and Jboy got a lot of points
And Jboy got 3 plats and DunnDunn got 2
Wow i agree with Flow congrats
"She said I'm F**kin Awesome!"
"Gurl don't be afraid, I just wanna cut, U can call me a squirrel, I'm just tryna get my nuts"
Yay! I went up one slot! :)
Also, I got two platinum trophies this past week and am not on the list. I got plats in both Prince of Persia and Fallout 3. No big deal though. Can't wait to get some new games to plat, I'm tired of trying to get 10,000 kills in R2. All the games I currently have that I have yet to plat are all really hard and time consuming ones. Anyone know how hard/easy Alone in the Dark is to plat? And is the game even worth it?
Back in 4th place, nice! I still have lots of games to finish, as well.
Moving up each level from level 12 takes ages. U will find soon, that in the higher levels many people will be on the same level, but, no where near in total points. The PS4 will be out before people reach level 20, with the way that it doubles in needed points each level!
Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!
Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.
TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.
MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD
HanzoTheRazor said: Back in 4th place, nice! I still have lots of games to finish, as well. Moving up each level from level 12 takes ages. U will find soon, that in the higher levels many people will be on the same level, but, no where near in total points. The PS4 will be out before people reach level 20, with the way that it doubles in needed points each level! |
I have a lot I am working on too, next week update should be interesting !
I thought I had a really good week this week, but only at the bottom of the top movers list.... anyway, I am moving up the list now that I am concentrating on trophies instead of achievements
Thought I'd drop as I haven't really played much this week and may not the following week as trophy games doing my nut lol but ail make the most of it or il get ya hahaha
For EoJ how you win by having 5 biolith squares?
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