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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

John2290 said:
veritaz said:

Grand theft auto san andreas has got to be one of the worst games I've ever played when it comes to the story mode. I never played the story mode that much when the game came out but now I made it a mission to complete it so I can beat every Rockstar game I play. This game has the worst controls and missions I've ever seen in a video game. I feel like a monkey actually game tested the story missions and they sent it out. Only 9 more story missions and idk If I can take this garbage anymore.


Dan.  I wish I had gotten San Andrea,  I bought Vice city for nostalgia and the frame rate made me vomit, literally. They got rid is whatever blur motion R* had to hide the issue. Now it's just a constant 10 or 15ish fps. #NostagiaLies


Yeah that hit me hard once I realized how good Red dead redemption, GTA5 and bully is compared to san andreas and vice city. I really want a sequel to bully and red dead. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put the flying missions in san andreas with these controls is a jerk.

Around the Network
John2290 said:
veritaz said:


Yeah that hit me hard once I realized how good Red dead redemption, GTA5 and bully is compared to san andreas and vice city. I really want a sequel to bully and red dead. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put the flying missions in san andreas with these controls is a jerk.


Why ya still play in,  man?? Chuck it for something better? Have you tried dust an elysian tail? Epic game and enjoyable to platinum. Why play a game your're feeling to be trash. 


I already put too much time and effort into it to not beat it. Yes I played dust and it's a very enjoyable game. I got the platinum for it.

John2290 said:
Looking forward to the update, I have another week secured off and to weak and sore to do anything but play games. Anyone recommend me something vast, an RPG maybe, enjoyable and a challenging plat? I'm running out of video game material.


If you have a vita Persona 4 Golden and YS: memories of celceta is just that. The Soul's series, Dragon age, Borderlands are also good.

Weekly Update - Jan 26th, 2016

2016 Trophy League Season

Rank Previous Rank VGchartz Username PSN ID Points to Date Starting Points Increase
1 1 John2290 JonnyMenthol  1989 1369 620
2 3 veritaz Faster55 23183 22744 439
3 18 HideoK HideoK 20139 19820 319
4 2 Esquoret Esquoret 16714 16417 297
5 4 KylieDog KylieDog 16423 16142 281
6 7 mattbfg mattbfg 14125 13905 220
7 8 Blood_Tears Cold_Stare 6696 6479 217
8 37 ethomaz ethomaz 7279 7074 205
9 14 ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 15107 14924 183
10 13 think-man vankwisha 5288 5106 182
11 6 Wagram AnimasPaine 6045 5868 177
12 5 luizje Luizje050 3340 3167 173
13 12 postofficebuddy postofficebuddy 9030 8860 170
14 29 Rafie Rafie27 8945 8800 145
15 9 Jboy0990 jboy0990 10455 10319 136
16 11 Neodegenerate ohare82 3095 2961 134
17 10 COLD_COBRA_ ColdCobra_ 4324 4197 127
18 20 fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 9052 8929 123
19 15 Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 13818 13704 114
20 17 DarthVolod DarthVolod 5931 5844 87
21 16 yakuzaIce YakuzaIce 4386 4299 87
22 28 Nanaki TurquiseNanaki 3360 3287 73
23 31 fadetoone FadeToOne 14132 14061 71
24 19 Lafiel Lafiel 4837 4773 64
25 37 Fusioncode FusionCode 1432 1374 58
26 21 Chark GT_168 4433 4380 53
27 22 KinlochKing Kinlochking 3686 3634 52
28 26 dj2one TWO1FIVE 8644 8592 52
29 24 arcane_chaos goldenmegazx 7607 7560 47
30 43 homer power_hungryfool 1630 1583 47
31 27 Xenostar Xenostar 14747 14701 46
32 25 axumblade Axumblade 2247 2203 44
33 30 Tbone Dpatriot 9345 9304 41
34 23 Gab gabeish 1902 1864 38
35 40 Scisca Scisca 3054 3017 37
36 33 leatherhat Hatberserker 4370 4337 33
37 43 Dark Odin lebeau 19649 19616 33
38 37 m0ney lettmon 1964 1933 31
39 48 sergiodaly SergioDaly 5989 5958 31
40 42 phinch1 phinch 3117 3089 28
41 35 Ssenkahdavic Ssenkahdavic 1375 1347 28
42 57 docholliday docholliday03 12557 12530 27
43 54 finalrpgfantasy Edward-rpgfan 5174 5148 26
44 74 demonfox13 Onikenshi 5010 4984 26
45 32 Conegamer conegamer 480 455 25
45 57 jadakiss1217 party29 3023 2998 25
45 35 mysticwolf SmashBro22 2364 2339 25
48 33 RukiSama RukiSama 7732 7708 24
49 48 MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 10831 10809 22
49 43 Arcturus CityWokk 6022 6000 22
51 40 REDZONE REDZONE_313 2224 2203 21
52 48 Corey Corza736 2210 2190 20
53 57 brute TB-ALBON 2418 2400 18
54 43 Azuren Cloud_9 2459 2442 17
54 43 Eikichi134 Eikichi134 4160 4143 17
54 57 Fufinu Fufinu 1245 1228 17
57 48 jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 9557 9541 16
57 48 Dgc1808 Detsuki-G 2763 2747 16
69 53 SnakeDrake Snakehunter25 3564 3549 15
60 55 FrozenXIV FrozenXIV 1360 1348 12
60 73 yog-sothot yog-sothot 1530 1518 12
62 57 ail Aildiin 9396 9385 11
62 84 DareDareCaro DareDareCaro 5493 5482 11
62 56 TheGoIdenBoy TheGoIdenBoy 3372 3361 11
62 84 naruball xena4ever 4572 4561 11
66 65 ThatGreekGuy Mitsos1311 1441 1432 9
66 65 mjk45 mjk45 2450 2441 9
68 65 Carl2291 CarlRushy 478 470 8
68 62 Eindyien Eindyien 7629 7621 8
68 90 Finnbar Gonff 2384 2376 8
68 65 badgenome PublicSudoku 13944 13936 8
68 62 michael_stutzer tahsin_sutcuoglu 5309 5301 8
68 62 V-r0cK V-r0cK-Kun 4965 4957 8
74 81 binary solo binary_solo69 2719 2712 7
74 65 cmeese47 cmeese47 8265 8258 7
74 79 maximus22 coximus22 6170 6163 7
77 90 A203D A203D 4198 4192 6
77 70 ruimartiniman danceintothefire 4083 4077 6
77 70 Joka_ JOKA_THE_SMOKA 1744 1738 6
77 84 Stefl1504 Stefl1504 2620 2614 6
77 70 zuvuyeay Zuvuyeay 2466 2460 6
82 74 Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 6081 6076 5
83 74 Acevil Acevil 3138 3134 4
83 74 Damo Damo833 491 487 4
83 74 torok leotorok 2602 2598 4
86 79 ReimMinister TheReimMinister 2491 2488 3
87 81 Robbie2010 LogicOverAll 2072 2070 2
87 84 Versus_Evil Lumi_Fox 2668 2666 2
87 81 ultraslick UltraslicK 5085 5083 2
87 90 Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 10430 10428 2
91 84 perpride Darth-Cidius 2019 2018 1
91 84 kivi95 Kivi95 5686 5685 1
93 90 MDMAlliance anzolr 756 756 0
93 90 bmaker11 BoilerMaker11 927 927 0
93 90 Simulacrum Criminal916 2967 2967 0
93 90 Crystalchild Crystalchild 4169 4169 0
93 90 DamnTastic DamnTastic 2196 2196 0
93 90 Devil_Survivor Devil_Survivor69 833 833 0
93 90 dharh dharh 617 617 0
93 90 Mr_No jones_md 3638 3638 0
93 90 Ka-pi96 Ka-Pi96 4029 4029 0
93 90 goodfella kassanowa07 3180 3180 0
93 90 MaxwellGT2000 maxwellgt2000 1235 1235 0
93 90 Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 6559 6559 0
93 90 GhetooBillGates PERSIAN_CARTEL 3490 3490 0
93 90 psrock psrock1 343 343 0
93 90 rakugakist pulptarantino 1281 1281 0
93 90 radiantshadow92 radiantshadow92 3995 3995 0
93 90 SnakeEyez SnakeEyez 1892 1892 0
93 90 xstonexcold316x SP3NCE1325 2211 2211 0
93 90 spdk1 SPDK1 3974 3974 0
93 90 Branko2166 squall-23 4731 4731 0
93 90 sub-zero-TM TheSypherBoy7873 2005 2005 0
93 90 akuseru Troubl 5124 5124 0
93 90 weaveworld Weaveworld 1161 1161 0
93 90 woj woj912 7970 7970 0
93 90 wenlan WoLoCo 5971 5971 0
93 90 zexen_lowe zexen47 983 983 0

VGChartz Playstation Trophy Leaderboard

Rank Prev Rank VGchartz Username PSN ID Lvl Bronze Silver Gold Plat Total Points Plat Avg
1 1 veritaz Faster55 47 9451 3038 944 166 13599 23183 1.51
2 2 HideoK HideoK 43 7841 2645 842 163 11491 20139 1.83
3 3 Dark Odin lebeau 42 6793 2807 831 188 10619 19649 1.86
4 4 Esquoret Esquoret 38 5618 2200 790 163 8771 16714 1.89
5 5 KylieDog KylieDog 37 6783 1907 645 163 9498 16423 2.29
6 6 ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 35 6217 1823 642 116 8798 15107 1.58
7 7 Xenostar Xenostar 35 6339 1918 586 88 8931 14747 1.65
8 8 fadetoone FadeToOne 34 6692 1785 479 83 9039 14132 1.77
9 9 mattbfg mattbfg 34 5935 1758 521 129 8343 14125 1.88
10 10 badgenome PublicSudoku 34 5872 1648 526 135 8181 13944 1.90
11 11 Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 33 7410 1947 349 35 9741 13818 1.53
12 12 docholliday docholliday03 32 4661 1674 500 129 6964 12557 1.83
13 13 MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 29 4763 1285 413 85 6546 10831 1.98
14 14 Jboy0990 jboy0990 28 4031 1265 451 99 5846 10455 1.93
15 15 Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 28 4046 1239 461 95 5841 10430 1.76
16 16 jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 27 3813 1114 412 87 5426 9557 1.87
17 17 ail Aildiin 27 4092 1164 318 89 5663 9396 2.30
18 18 Tbone Dpatriot 27 3949 1054 344 102 5449 9345 2.90
19 19 fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 26 3464 1285 331 86 5166 9052 1.78
20 20 postofficebuddy postofficebuddy 26 3828 1065 418 47 5358 9030 3.15
21 21 Rafie Rafie27 26 3345 1351 347 68 5111 8945 1.47
22 22 dj2one TWO1FIVE 26 4308 1061 267 51 5687 8644 1.74
23 23 cmeese47 cmeese47 25 4225 985 279 33 5522 8265 1.34
24 24 woj woj912 24 3632 981 294 51 4958 7970 1.84
25 25 RukiSama RukiSama 24 3694 897 270 52 4913 7732 1.73
26 26 Eindyien Eindyien 24 3305 941 265 71 4582 7629 2.30
27 27 arcane_chaos goldenmegazx 24 3859 938 222 45 5064 7607 1.84
28 28 ethomaz ethomaz 23 2561 1030 309 67 3967 7279 2.32
29 29 Blood_Tears Cold_Stare 22 3342 795 234 30 4401 6696 1.23
30 30 Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 22 2463 947 267 50 3727 6559 1.88
31 31 maximus22 coximus22 21 2726 735 243 43 3747 6170 3.12
32 32 Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 21 3027 732 203 31 3993 6081 1.97
33 34 Wagram AnimasPaine 21 2369 728 236 67 3400 6045 2.18
34 33 Arcturus CityWokk 21 2848 795 200 32 3875 6022 2.06
35 35 sergiodaly SergioDaly 21 2641 666 240 48 3595 5989 1.98
36 36 wenlan WoLoCo 21 2239 834 248 48 3369 5971 1.74
37 37 DarthVolod DarthVolod 21 1653 1116 241 50 3060 5931 1.28
38 38 kivi95 Kivi95 20 3060 674 171 21 3926 5686 1.90
39 39 DareDareCaro DareDareCaro 20 2435 671 186 50 3342 5493 2.20
40 40 michael_stutzer tahsin_sutcuoglu 19 2455 701 184 29 3369 5309 2.26
41 41 think-man vankwisha 19 2808 550 176 27 3561 5288 1.69
42 42 finalrpgfantasy Edward-rpgfan 19 2202 811 141 42 3196 5174 2.05
43 43 akuseru Troubl 19 2310 537 198 46 3091 5124 2.29
44 44 ultraslick UltraslicK 19 2443 598 161 40 3242 5085 2.03
45 45 demonfox13 Onikenshi 19 2748 591 136 22 3497 5010 2.05
46 46 V-r0cK V-r0cK-Kun 19 2367 516 177 42 3102 4965 2.31
47 47 Lafiel Lafiel 19 2305 597 177 23 3102 4837 2.04
48 48 Branko2166 squall-23 18 2035 502 206 38 2781 4731 1.57
49 49 naruball xena4ever 18 2514 552 133 13 3212 4572 1.46
50 50 Chark GT_168 18 1985 564 164 28 2741 4433 2.22
51 51 yakuzaIce YakuzaIce 18 1898 512 168 38 2616 4386 1.82
52 52 leatherhat Hatberserker 18 2406 517 121 17 3061 4370 2.18
53 53 COLD_COBRA_ ColdCobra_ 18 1956 506 154 36 2652 4324 1.94
54 54 A203D A203D 17 1788 491 160 39 2478 4198 2.41
55 55 Crystalchild Crystalchild 17 2161 485 125 24 2795 4169 2.13
56 56 Eikichi134 Eikichi134 17 2238 535 118 12 2903 4160 1.00
57 57 ruimartiniman danceintothefire 17 2467 499 99 2 3067 4083 2.50
58 58 Ka-pi96 Ka-Pi96 17 1663 589 134 32 2418 4029 1.57
59 59 radiantshadow92 radiantshadow92 17 2037 475 130 19 2661 3995 2.11
60 60 spdk1 SPDK1 17 1904 489 150 16 2559 3974 1.25
61 61 KinlochKing Kinlochking 16 2206 470 80 5 2761 3686 1.2
62 62 Mr_No jones_md 16 2022 427 87 20 2556 3638 1.90
63 63 SnakeDrake Snakehunter25 16 2102 419 88 8 2617 3564 2.00
64 64 GhetooBillGates PERSIAN_CARTEL 16 1824 431 110 12 2377 3490 1.50
65 65 TheGoIdenBoy TheGoIdenBoy 16 1418 563 100 19 2100 3372 1.50
66 67 Nanaki TurquiseNanaki 16 1814 389 90 19 2312 3360 2.00
67 66 luizje Luizje050 16 1176 527 133 26 1862 3340 2.04
68 68 goodfella kassanowa07 15 1510 364 111 23 2008 3180 1.83
69 69 Acevil Acevil 15 1694 395 75 17 2181 3138 1.63
70 70 phinch1 phinch 15 1855 355 80 6 2296 3117 1.83
71 71 Neodegenerate ohare82 15 1471 422 98 16 2007 3095 1.50
72 72 Scisca Scisca 15 1296 447 102 21 1866 3054 1.75
73 73 jadakiss1217 party29 15 1667 306 92 16 2081 3023 2.00
74 74 Simulacrum Criminal916 15 1759 373 71 3 2206 2967 2.67
75 75 Dgc1808 Detsuki-G 15 1421 359 72 16 1868 2763 2.20
76 76 binary solo binary_solo69 15 1353 350 89 11 1803 2719 1.82
77 77 Versus_Evil Lumi_Fox 15 938 295 144 23 1400 2668 1.48
78 78 Stefl1504 Stefl1504 14 1670 253 66 4 1993 2620 1.67
79 79 torok leotorok 14 1652 265 58 6 1981 2602 1.50
80 80 ReimMinister TheReimMinister 14 1135 327 93 12 1567 2491 1.83
81 81 zuvuyeay Zuvuyeay 14 1230 312 76 13 1631 2466 1.69
82 82 Azuren Cloud_9 14 1391 279 67 9 1746 2459 4.00
83 83 mjk45 mjk45 14 1684 233 46 2 1965 2450 2.00
84 84 brute TB-ALBON 14 1202 308 76 12 1598 2418 2.00
85 85 Finnbar Gonff 14 1468 263 57 4 1792 2384 1.50
86 86 mysticwolf SmashBro22 14 1488 261 45 7 1801 2364 1.60
87 87 axumblade Axumblade 14 1293 249 60 8 1610 2247 1.29
88 88 REDZONE REDZONE_313 14 1276 264 54 8 1602 2224 2.13
89 89 xstonexcold316x SP3NCE1325 14 1235 302 56 3 1596 2211 1.00
90 90 Corey Corza736 14 1378 236 50 5 1669 2210 2.00
91 91 DamnTastic DamnTastic 14 1274 209 72 6 1561 2196 2.20
92 92 Robbie2010 LogicOverAll 13 1074 277 66 4 1421 2072 1.50
93 93 perpride Darth-Cidius 13 1071 249 55 10 1385 2019 2.10
94 94 sub-zero-TM TheSypherBoy7873 13 1235 211 48 5 1499 2005 2.00
95 98 John2290 JonnyMenthol  13 853 244 78 15 1190 1989 1.86
96 95 m0ney lettmon 13 1042 248 63 4 1357 1964 2.00
97 96 Gab gabeish 13 944 281 50 8 1283 1902 2.20
98 97 SnakeEyez SnakeEyez 13 1108 242 44 3 1397 1892 2.33
99 99 Joka_ JOKA_THE_SMOKA 13 986 187 48 8 1229 1744 2.57
100 100 homer power_hungryfool 13 898 201 43 6 1148 1630 1.83
101 101 yog-sothot yog-sothot 12 842 203 37 5 1087 1530 2.20
102 102 ThatGreekGuy Mitsos1311 12 873 173 33 2 1081 1441 1.00
103 103 Fusioncode FusionCode 12 856 156 38 3 1053 1432 2.00
104 104 Ssenkahdavic Ssenkahdavic 12 855 140 32 4 1031 1375 2.25
105 105 FrozenXIV FrozenXIV 12 512 178 58 12 760 1360 1.92
106 106 rakugakist pulptarantino 12 617 131 47 10 805 1281 1.90
107 107 Fufinu Fufinu 12 805 121 25 4 955 1245 2.00
108 108 MaxwellGT2000 maxwellgt2000 12 831 130 22 1 984 1235 2.00
109 109 weaveworld Weaveworld 12 699 141 24 3 867 1161 1.67
110 110 zexen_lowe zexen47 11 635 108 18 2 763 983 1.50
111 111 bmaker11 BoilerMaker11 10 685 91 10 0 786 927  - 
112 112 Devil_Survivor Devil_Survivor69 10 497 90 18 4 609 833 1.75
113 113 MDMAlliance anzolr 9 348 84 32 4 468 756 1.25
114 114 dharh dharh 8 425 69 9 0 503 617  - 
115 115 Damo Damo833 7 309 43 14 1 367 491  - 
116 116 Conegamer conegamer 7 280 58 14 0 352 480  - 
117 117 Carl2291 CarlRushy 7 298 66 6 1 371 478 1.00
118 118 psrock psrock1 6 271 24 4 0 299 343  - 

Platinum Leaderboard

VGchartz Username PSN ID Platinum Count Platinum Points Plat Difficulty Avg
KylieDog KylieDog 163 371 2.28
Dark Odin lebeau 188 335 1.78
Esquoret Esquoret 163 304 1.87
Tbone Dpatriot 102 296 2.90
HideoK HideoK 163 288 1.77
badgenome PublicSudoku 135 257 1.90
veritaz Faster55 166 248 1.49
mattbfg mattbfg 129 242 1.88
docholliday docholliday03 129 230 1.78
ail Aildiin 89 205 2.30
Jboy0990 jboy0990 99 191 1.93
ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 116 179 1.54
MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 85 168 1.98
Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 95 164 1.73
Eindyien Eindyien 71 163 2.30
jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 87 161 1.85
ethomaz ethomaz 67 153 2.28
postofficebuddy postofficebuddy 47 148 3.15
Wagram AnimasPaine 67 146 2.18
fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 86 146 1.70
fadetoone FadeToOne 83 143 1.72
Xenostar Xenostar 88 140 1.59
maximus22 coximus22 43 131 3.05
DareDareCaro DareDareCaro 50 110 2.20
akuseru Troubl 46 103 2.24
V-r0cK V-r0cK-Kun 42 97 2.31
sergiodaly SergioDaly 48 95 1.98
woj woj912 51 94 1.84
Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 50 92 1.84
A203D A203D 39 89 2.28
RukiSama RukiSama 52 88 1.69
dj2one TWO1FIVE 51 87 1.71
arcane_chaos goldenmegazx 45 83 1.84
finalrpgfantasy Edward-rpgfan 42 82 1.95
wenlan WoLoCo 48 80 1.67
ultraslick UltraslicK 40 73 1.83
COLD_COBRA_ ColdCobra_ 36 70 1.94
yakuzaIce YakuzaIce 38 69 1.82
Arcturus CityWokk 32 66 2.06
michael_stutzer tahsin_sutcuoglu 29 61 2.10
Chark GT_168 28 60 2.14
Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 31 59 1.90
Branko2166 squall-23 38 58 1.53
DarthVolod DarthVolod 50 55 1.10
Crystalchild Crystalchild 24 51 2.13
luizje Luizje050 26 51 1.96
Lafiel Lafiel 23 47 2.04
Ka-pi96 Ka-Pi96 32 47 1.47
Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 35 46 1.31
demonfox13 Onikenshi 22 45 2.05

Busiest Members

VGchartz Username PSN ID Pts This Week Pts Last Week Increase
HideoK HideoK 20139 19877 262
veritaz Faster55 23183 22976 207
John2290 JonnyMenthol  1989 1786 203
ethomaz ethomaz 7279 7095 184
Rafie Rafie27 8945 8833 112
ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 15107 15017 90
think-man vankwisha 5288 5202 86
Blood_Tears Cold_Stare 6696 6621 75
mattbfg mattbfg 14125 14052 73
fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 9052 8979 73

Platinum Trophies Earned

Wagram Assassin''s Creed: Unity
ethomaz The Order: 1886
ethomaz Bloodborne
ethomaz Grim Fandango Remastered
veritaz Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
veritaz The Deadly Tower of Monsters
fps_d0minat0r Lego Marvel Super Heroes
ghettoglamour Volume
HideoK Bastion
HideoK Goosebumps: The Game
HideoK SkyScrappers
John2290 Dust: An Elysian Tail
John2290 Riptide GP2
Dark Odin Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Rafie SkyScrappers
think-man Game of Thrones (Telltale)

thanks for the update Arc.

Around the Network

Lot of big movers this week. I gotta step my game up.

Thx for update


Thanks , Arc. The platinum list reveal some hardcore trophy whoring... Don't play shitty games for trophies, guys

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

ghettoglamour said:
Thanks , Arc. The platinum list reveal some hardcore trophy whoring... Don't play shitty games for trophies, guys


I dunno what you are talking about.  Terminator Salvation and Ice Age 3 are two of my favorite games of all time!


No?  Not buying it?  Fine...

KylieDog said:
I enjoyed some of the 'bad' games I played. Like Legends of Wrestlemania..

Anyone know what's stance is on submitting guides where the site doesn't have images of the trophies yet?

Did a guide for RE Zero but was waiting for the images to appear so I could finish/submit the guide. Now some other dude posted a guide when mine was complete already aside from the images (which I find rather rude), so I just submitted mine and made a note about the images in the submission, but I wonder if it'll be accepted?

Hope mine gets picked because I spent a lot of time on it.

I think the images has to be added to the site first.

Its up to the guide team to pick the suitable guide for sticky.

Its nothing new 2 guides being posted for a game. Once i think there was 4 guides up at the same time. Again the guide team deciedes which one gets picked.