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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Playing Dragon age on nightmare, so I won't be getting any other trophies for a while.

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Has anyone played both Resogun and Aces of the Luftwaffe?

I just beat the last boss of Aces of the Luftwaffe after many attempts, and it's really the absolute limit in terms of my skill level for these sorts of games. I was wondering if it's enough to face the challenges of Resogun (aiming for base game platinum trophy)?

This is the boss I'm talking about (though the video isn't mine):

Feel free to give any advice if you've played either or both of these games. Thanks!

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Esquoret said:
Has anyone played both Resogun and Aces of the Luftwaffe?

I just beat the last boss of Aces of the Luftwaffe after many attempts, and it's really the absolute limit in terms of my skill level for these sorts of games. I was wondering if it's enough to face the challenges of Resogun (aiming for base game platinum trophy)?

This is the boss I'm talking about (though the video isn't mine):

Feel free to give any advice if you've played either or both of these games. Thanks!

You should be able to do it also.

Maybe after you could try Raiden IV :D


Tbone said:
Esquoret said:
Has anyone played both Resogun and Aces of the Luftwaffe?

I just beat the last boss of Aces of the Luftwaffe after many attempts, and it's really the absolute limit in terms of my skill level for these sorts of games. I was wondering if it's enough to face the challenges of Resogun (aiming for base game platinum trophy)?

This is the boss I'm talking about (though the video isn't mine):

Feel free to give any advice if you've played either or both of these games. Thanks!

You should be able to do it also.

Maybe after you could try Raiden IV :D

I've heard Jamestown+ is also pretty good :D


Tbone said:
Esquoret said:
Has anyone played both Resogun and Aces of the Luftwaffe?

I just beat the last boss of Aces of the Luftwaffe after many attempts, and it's really the absolute limit in terms of my skill level for these sorts of games. I was wondering if it's enough to face the challenges of Resogun (aiming for base game platinum trophy)?

This is the boss I'm talking about (though the video isn't mine):

Feel free to give any advice if you've played either or both of these games. Thanks!

You should be able to do it also.

Maybe after you could try Raiden IV :D

Do you die instantly if you get hit in Resogun? Or is there some kind of health system? The videos are so flashy and hard to tell...

Hey you haven't tried Raiden IV? It ain't on your trophy list.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Around the Network

I should be adding my 11th platinum with Dragon Age Inquisition this year. But I worry a bit that my Nightmare playthrough might not register. When I started up the game I chose nightmare, but after the first half hour or so I went into options and noticed it was set to normal. It would piss me off no end if my planned nightmare playthrough doesn't trigger because of a stupid glitch.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Finally got that 500km trophy in RL. After the patch where online games counted it literally took me under a day lol. 10th platinum down! Looking to get TLOU for a second time (this time on PS4) and possibly Driveclub. Far Cry 4 is also a possibility

#1 Amb-ass-ador


Yeah Jamestown is great. You need 4 controllers for a trophy since it has no online play.

Yes you die in 1 hit for Resogun.

I was suggesting Raiden IV since its an "easy platinum" :p


binary solo said:
I should be adding my 11th platinum with Dragon Age Inquisition this year. But I worry a bit that my Nightmare playthrough might not register. When I started up the game I chose nightmare, but after the first half hour or so I went into options and noticed it was set to normal. It would piss me off no end if my planned nightmare playthrough doesn't trigger because of a stupid glitch.

I'd have started over if I saw the difficulty change that early. Just finished the game on nightmare myself. Had an easier time this playthrough then my last when I played on hard, even without the duplication exploit or way over leveling.

Good luck to you though I'd hate to be forced to play a third time.

ReimTime said:
Finally got that 500km trophy in RL. After the patch where online games counted it literally took me under a day lol. 10th platinum down! Looking to get TLOU for a second time (this time on PS4) and possibly Driveclub. Far Cry 4 is also a possibility

I'll end up missing out on the RL platinum because I have no PSN friends who play it. So I will be one trophy short.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix