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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Wooo my god of war trophy listed! I'm working on gta 5 but not rushing it because I enjoy the game. So my trophy progress will be slow after getting like 20 plats in the last year. The order or assassin creed 2 if I finish it up will probably be my next.

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Quite silent lately on this thread.

Anyway, i got 100% on Hardcorps a while ago. Playing now Caladrius blaze. Waiting for BBCS platinum to be my 5000th trophy :)


Decided to finish up some of my low star plats so I can start clearing them off my HDD. Just got Sly Cooper. Next up is probably going to be Golden Abyss. You kind of inspired me Tbone. I'm thinking about going for the Hard Corps Uprising 100%.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

postofficebuddy said:
Decided to finish up some of my low star plats so I can start clearing them off my HDD. Just got Sly Cooper. Next up is probably going to be Golden Abyss. You kind of inspired me Tbone. I'm thinking about going for the Hard Corps Uprising 100%.

Go for it :) i can help you with online trophy if u like


Tbone said:

Quite silent lately on this thread.

Anyway, i got 100% on Hardcorps a while ago. Playing now Caladrius blaze. Waiting for BBCS platinum to be my 5000th trophy :)

How would you rate Caladrius? I have been thinking of importing it.

Around the Network

Based on the games from the latests posts, what do you guys prefer to be called. Hipsters or weirdos? Weird hipsters? Hip weirdos?

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

ghettoglamour said:
Based on the games from the latests posts, what do you guys prefer to be called. Hipsters or weirdos? Weird hipsters? Hip weirdos?

A man of discriminating taste.


Its a nice shmup :) not to much content though. Really depends if you like shmups enough for an import. I was lucky enough since play asia had a sale. So i got for 15 euros only.
Game is tops 7/10. Only 2 somehow hard trophies, The boss rush and beating the game with 1 life.


I don´t get it lol


Tbone said:

Game is tops 7/10. Only 2 somehow hard trophies, The boss rush and beating the game with 1 life.

7/10 for you, so... 17/10 for me?

badgenome said:
Tbone said:

Game is tops 7/10. Only 2 somehow hard trophies, The boss rush and beating the game with 1 life.

7/10 for you, so... 17/10 for me?

Lol. I just got the 1LC. It wasn´t so bad. Think i give it a 4/10