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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

postofficebuddy said:
fps_d0minat0r said:

My aim was 70% by the end of this year, but right now im on 67.76%.

Would have hit my target if I didnt load up new games. Was supposed to have got the GT5 plat and uncharted DLC trophies as well by now.

Good luck on those goals. I've been working on GT5 off and on for a while. I know it's within my ability, I have silver on the Nurburgring Vettel challenge and my best combined hot and cold lap times add up to gold. Sazuka is another matter entirely but I'm sure I'll pull it off eventually. It's just a matter of patience and dedication.

Yh, I need to get into it again. Its easier with a wheel but having a wheel and a table for it in the room takes a lot of space so its been gathering dust for a long time. I dont play enough racing games to justify buying one of those dedicated racing seats.

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I just obtained the plat. trophy for Battlefield 4. It was pretty easy.

finalrpgfantasy said:

I just obtained the plat. trophy for Battlefield 4. It was pretty easy.


And speaking of BF, I'm renting a server for BF3 this sunday from 10AM GMT for DLC trophies. If anyone is interested add me.

So how was this year for you in trophy hunting? It was my best with 32 platinum trophies. I've also got a few points more than 2013. LPB3 plat will be the first in 2015.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

Destiny slowed down my trophy collecting significantly as I have put about 190 hours into it. Now that I am wrapping up with it (Warlock lvl 32, Titan 31, Hunter 30) I can get to my monstrous 14+ game backlog

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

Around the Network

can i enter this league without making my psn public? i'm currently going for plat number 32

Iveyboi said:
Destiny slowed down my trophy collecting significantly as I have put about 190 hours into it. Now that I am wrapping up with it (Warlock lvl 32, Titan 31, Hunter 30) I can get to my monstrous 14+ game backlog

Hahahahaha... "monstrous"

fadetoone said:
Iveyboi said:
Destiny slowed down my trophy collecting significantly as I have put about 190 hours into it. Now that I am wrapping up with it (Warlock lvl 32, Titan 31, Hunter 30) I can get to my monstrous 14+ game backlog

Hahahahaha... "monstrous"

Hehe, I chuckled a bit with the combination of monstrous and 14+ game backlog... >_>

Kerotan said:
can i enter this league without making my psn public? i'm currently going for plat number 32

Yup, just send my a PM with your PSN id

Anyone else pick up Guilty Gear Xrd? I got the collectors edition and I'm really enjoying it so far. Mostly been spending time in challenge and training modes trying to decide who I should main. The soundtrack that came with it has been on heavy rotation in my car.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4