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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Thanks for the update. Wow I'm now #20 though I don't know if that will last

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Thx for the update Arc.

2nd on busiest members, never happened before.

Thx for update.


thnx for the update. Hopefully next week i platted ps allstars and diablo RoS

I'm absolutely loving Shadow of Mordor. The nemesis system is excellent. It's so rewarding to get revenge on a captain who killed you "x" amount of times and leveled up. Makes those battles feel much more personal. I finally took out this Uruk who must have killed me at least 3 times and kept escaping and he reached level 16.

Most next gen gameplay element i've seen so far on PS4. I'm already 14 hours in and cant put it down. Will probably have platinum by next week. My only concern is I'm starting to get very powerful, for the past 7 hours I haven't died once. Hope it doesnt get too easy from here on.

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Wonktonodi said:
Arcturus said:

Fastest: Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (1 week, 2 hours)
Longest: Dark Souls (2 months, 1 week, 1 day)

I'm not sure if I need to be impressed with your dedication or wonder if you just stop caring about a game after a few months. 6 of my platinums were over a year and 11 more were over 3 months.

I think it's more the latter. I tend to play games one at a time. If I'm enjoying a game and the trophies are a fun challenge, I'll continue playing until I earn the platinum trophy. If I've finished the game and the remaining trophies require a lot of grinding that just isn't enjoyable, then I'll move on to the next game in my queue.

Aquapazza platinum and Tekken tag 2 prologue 100%


HideoK said:
I'm absolutely loving Shadow of Mordor. The nemesis system is excellent. It's so rewarding to get revenge on a captain who killed you "x" amount of times and leveled up. Makes those battles feel much more personal. I finally took out this Uruk who must have killed me at least 3 times and kept escaping and he reached level 16.

Most next gen gameplay element i've seen so far on PS4. I'm already 14 hours in and cant put it down. Will probably have platinum by next week. My only concern is I'm starting to get very powerful, for the past 7 hours I haven't died once. Hope it doesnt get too easy from here on.

Just started today. So I'm walking along, minding my business, and this captain spots me. So I fight him, then soon after, 3 other captains just show up to gang up on me, all with their dramatic intros. This happened to me several times already in a few short hours of play. So strange, haha.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Esquoret said:
HideoK said:
I'm absolutely loving Shadow of Mordor. The nemesis system is excellent. It's so rewarding to get revenge on a captain who killed you "x" amount of times and leveled up. Makes those battles feel much more personal. I finally took out this Uruk who must have killed me at least 3 times and kept escaping and he reached level 16.

Most next gen gameplay element i've seen so far on PS4. I'm already 14 hours in and cant put it down. Will probably have platinum by next week. My only concern is I'm starting to get very powerful, for the past 7 hours I haven't died once. Hope it doesnt get too easy from here on.

Just started today. So I'm walking along, minding my business, and this captain spots me. So I fight him, then soon after, 3 other captains just show up to gang up on me, all with their dramatic intros. This happened to me several times already in a few short hours of play. So strange, haha.

Haha, yep that definitely sucks. I go into a stronghold area and notice only one Captain in the vicinity, so I go after him thinking it will be easy. Nope, because two more Captains appeared out of thin air, making me meet my demise quick. Also, I've had a Captain run away in fear, only to show up in the exact same spot a minute after the retreated message appeared (while I was fighting another Captain).

It's truly a great game and I'm almost done with my video playthrough of the main missions. I'm still deciding on whether I want to do videos of the Weapon Legends and collectibles or not, as well as the Outcast missions, although that may be put on hold since the new Borderlands comes out on Tuesday and I'll definitely be getting that.

Fastest Plat: Terminator Salvation (1 day, 1 hour)
Longest Plat: Fallout 3 (2 years, 4 months)

It's funny how the game I've spent the most hours on (White Knight Chronicles) only took me 3 months and 4 weeks to plat. I think I put around 500 hours into that game and played it pretty much everyday, too, in that time period.

There's also a lot of games that would take the crown away from Fallout 3, although I'm not sure if I'll ever go back to them. World at War is one of those games (I don't even know if the servers are still up), although I still need a co-op trophy and I don't feel like dealing with the grenade-a-thon that is Veteran difficulty. I can't get the plat on Resistance 2 because of no servers.