Esquoret said:
Just started today. So I'm walking along, minding my business, and this captain spots me. So I fight him, then soon after, 3 other captains just show up to gang up on me, all with their dramatic intros. This happened to me several times already in a few short hours of play. So strange, haha. |
Haha, yep that definitely sucks. I go into a stronghold area and notice only one Captain in the vicinity, so I go after him thinking it will be easy. Nope, because two more Captains appeared out of thin air, making me meet my demise quick. Also, I've had a Captain run away in fear, only to show up in the exact same spot a minute after the retreated message appeared (while I was fighting another Captain).
It's truly a great game and I'm almost done with my video playthrough of the main missions. I'm still deciding on whether I want to do videos of the Weapon Legends and collectibles or not, as well as the Outcast missions, although that may be put on hold since the new Borderlands comes out on Tuesday and I'll definitely be getting that.