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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Eu ps+ July

2nd July: TowerFall Ascension
2nd July: Strider
2nd July: Dead Space 3
2nd July: Vessel
2nd July: LEGO Batman 2: DC Superheroes
2nd July: Doki Doki Universe


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I didnt start going for trophies until about 3 years after I got a PS3 so my completion percentage is bad, I typically go for the the plat on games I enjoy and want to get extra out of them. I hate to boost online trophies and only have done it a couple times Split Second and Tomb Raider come to mind but both are a couple of my favorite games from last gen. Transformers Fall of Cybertron was a game I wanted to plat but left it at like 84% complete cause I didnt feel like boosting trophies for specifc MP modes.

I typically dont mind  grind trophies as ling as I like the game. Rayman Legends plat will prob take me a few months total due to the Awesomeness lvl 11 trophy.

I have no problem walking away from a game though if the trophies will zap my fun from the game. UFC will prob fall into that category as Submission Season and Knockout Season requires 5 wins in a row by KO (not TKO) and Submission online against randoms. This basically requires a quit if you lose and even if you win but not by the specific way the trophy requires. These stupid trophies effect the online community of the game and I wont quit matches just to go for these trophies and get lumped in with the bad sports who just dont want a loss on their record.

Third person Single player shooter are my favorite types of games to plat.

On completion rate: I am just like this is real life, so it's how my personality manifested into hunting trophies. I set up rules for myself, and follow them to my satisfaction. Sometimes it's tiring, but if everything is messy (to me), then I'll also be lacking in enjoyment anyway. So I'm suited for work like admin, where I may organise things neatly and be meticulous.

But hey, I have a creative side too, although it's still affected by this trait. I am a lot more wise in this area than before, knowing that I'm gonna be a control freak, I now take on things that I can complete alone and not rely on others and not have others affect me as well.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Completion rate is a big OCD thing for me ( once a game is at 100% I can safely move-on) but I have to say the current price of DLCs is making me think about changing my behavior. There's quite a few games right now where I would have to spend 30$ on DLCs to get to 100% ( AC 3, Dishonored), when the original game cost half that price. And while I could afford it, I would rather spend the money on something else....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I've taken to caring more about my game ranks on more than my actual completion rate. I want to try lots of games and don't want to waste time with hilarious difficult or annoying multiplayer trophies. So I shoot for A rank if I can, but obviously the occasional game I just try out and never play or one that sucks slips in (like NFS Rivals... not impressed at all with that game).

I did change my Mercenary Kings rank to A from F simply by getting one easy gold trophy though. That was funny.

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Destiny Trophy list


Destiny's trailer turns me off tremendously.

"Only a few can stop 'the darkness'. You are earth's last hope."

Seriously, can you get anymore cliché than that? Talk about uninspired.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Just picked up a second PS3 for a real steal, $100 and it came with an extra controller. A friend of mine was desperate to offload it. This should make boosting some games a lot easier.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

DmC platinum. A joke compared to Dmc3


Got my 50th platinum today =)


was funny because the last trophy was the rock distraction one in FarCry 3. I was throwing rocks for over half an hour and then realised I had already got it at some point =P