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Arcturus, might Transistor be deserving of a 2-star difficulty? A certain level of strategy and skill is required for most of the game, and a couple of those Performance Tests are quite intense -- I was on the edge of my seat trying to survive 10+ waves of enemies in that small arena. Definitely doable but took some attempts, and they do pose a decent challenge.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

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Just Platinumed Murder: Soul Suspect.

They game had a few glitches, once the Audio and subtitles completely conked out when doing one of the 4 mystery side quest, another is collecting the collectibles, they remain highlighted as if they weren't collected. All glitches rectified themselves with a reboot of the game and none in my experience effected the actual collectible list for the trophies so all was good.

As far as the graphics go, they're nice, not outstanding or amazing but nice and clean. There was some minor tearing, some frame rate hiccups, and a few areas had texture pop-in, but they seem to be an Unreal Engine 3 thing ....All in all it was good to me and I had no issues with th graphics.

I liked the Story however it's short and light with a decent ending. I was hoping it would be like Deadly premonitions in regards to the story but that's not the case, still it's enjoyable for what it is.

It plays very similar to L.A Noire in that you find clues and then use them to solve what ever your investigating, but it's easy and straight forward and no where near as challenging as L.A noire, hell it's supper forgiving, if you fail to put the evidence together it's ok, keep trying until you get it meaningful penalties other than getting 1 badge out 3...which themselves do nothing as there is no end game ranking or unlocks or anything. Other then that you can go through certain objects and walls as a ghost but limited essentially to finding the collectibles and navigating to your destinations for the story beats. The gameplay is basic with most of it concentrated on navigating around the small semi open world and finding clues in the investigation areas.

The one stupid thing are the enemies, there easy to kill as you literally walk up to their back and hold the R2 to begin the quick time event which consists of pushing your left analogue stick in one of 4 directions and then pressing 1 of the 4 face's simple, doesn't fit with the story, and it seems that they only exist to pad out the game but the funny thing is, I only ever remember taking out like 10 or so...their purpose just kinda seems an unfinished idea. No matter though as annoyingly placed as they are they're not exactly a problem just a nuisance in the game. Also they scream like little bitches XD

Maps, yes maps, the biggest complaints I've read about is the simple fact the game has NO in game MAPs anywhere. You have to literally remember certain key areas or landmarks and use them as reference points while navigating through the games environment. Now while you DO get an on screen indicator of where your suppose to go to follow the story beats that IS all you get, so if you need to back track to find all the collectibles, then you better have a good memory cuz otherwise your screwed going around in circles. Oh don't bother using streets names cuz some areas can only be accessed by going though a back alley ways or though burning broken ghost's like your a minotaur in a maze...*WARNING* if you're a stonner, have ADHD, have poor memory, play multiple games simultaneously, or simply have gotten too use to and completely reliant on games with awesome mini maps that even Google would be proud of along with it holding your hand and guiding you through it's world....then this game is NOT for you!! you'll be instantly lost, disorientated, and out right frustrated for what otherwise is an easy game with an easy Plat */WARNING*

All in all I liked the game mainly because of the story, As I said earlier I was hoping something more like deadly premonitions or LA noire because I really liked those two games, but what I got wasn't that. Other than having to memories key landmarks to have my bearings in the games world, Murder: soul suspect is still a decent romp and an easy Plat, so if anyone wants to play it I say go for it once the price drops :)

As for my next game, I think I'll pick up watch dogs...sink some time in to collecting the random crap UBI likes to throw in their open world games...was fun for ACIV: black flag, ship battles fuck yes, So I hope it's the same for Watch Dogs, hacking fuck yes? maybe? I guess I'll find out.

jake_the_fake1 said:

Just Platinumed Murder: Soul Suspect.

That no map thing just sucks, especially with so many collectibles (which may also glitch)... I think I'll avoid the frustration for now. Thanks for the review though.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Esquoret said:
jake_the_fake1 said:

Just Platinumed Murder: Soul Suspect.

That no map thing just sucks, especially with so many collectibles (which may also glitch)... I think I'll avoid the frustration for now. Thanks for the review though.

No probs :)

Welp I ended up getting Thief and Watch_dogs. Thief looks like a bit of fun, never played a Thief game before so I'm going into it with no also looks like an easy enough Plat so there's that. Meanwhile I Plat Thief UBI can release what ever final patches that fix what ever is broken with watch_dogs as some have's pretty much what I did with AC:Black Flag cuz initially it was like buying some under cooked KFC, you wanna eat it cuz your hungry for it but it's not recomended so put it in the microwave cuz..I can't be fucked going back, so I nuke it and let it cook some more, when done it's now good enough to eat. While NOT ideal it gets you what you want, a tasty meal...or a properly working game when it came to AC:Black flag and hopefully now with Watch_dogs XD

jake_the_fake1 said:


Welp I ended up getting Thief and Watch_dogs. Thief looks like a bit of fun, never played a Thief game before so I'm going into it with no also looks like an easy enough Plat so there's that. Meanwhile I Plat Thief UBI can release what ever final patches that fix what ever is broken with watch_dogs as some have's pretty much what I did with AC:Black Flag cuz initially it was like buying some under cooked KFC, you wanna eat it cuz your hungry for it but it's not recomended so put it in the microwave cuz..I can't be fucked going back, so I nuke it and let it cook some more, when done it's now good enough to eat. While NOT ideal it gets you what you want, a tasty meal...or a properly working game when it came to AC:Black flag and hopefully now with Watch_dogs XD

I ate some undercooked chicken once. I was down for a month, and when I went to the toilet it looked like I had my first period. It wasn't pretty.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

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I wasn't impressed by Sony E3 conference but there's already so many forthcoming PS4 titles I want it's not really a big deal ( Dragon Age Inquisition, The Witcher 3, AC Unity ( being frencH I have to get it..), Batman Arkham's knight, The Order, Uncharted 4,...)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Esquoret said:
Arcturus, might Transistor be deserving of a 2-star difficulty? A certain level of strategy and skill is required for most of the game, and a couple of those Performance Tests are quite intense -- I was on the edge of my seat trying to survive 10+ waves of enemies in that small arena. Definitely doable but took some attempts, and they do pose a decent challenge.

Sure, I can adjust it up if there are no objections.

Missed the weekly update yesterday. I should have some time tonight to process and post it.

Its the effort that counts.

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE

I haven't seen a lot of talk around here or elsewhere on MGS Ground Zeros. What is the consensuses on it? From what I've read, it's a glorified demo with a $35 price tag.

I've been holding off, waiting for it to drop in price. It's now $19 on the PSN store (still $35 for a physical copy). Is it worth it for $19?