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jake_the_fake1 said:


Welp I ended up getting Thief and Watch_dogs. Thief looks like a bit of fun, never played a Thief game before so I'm going into it with no also looks like an easy enough Plat so there's that. Meanwhile I Plat Thief UBI can release what ever final patches that fix what ever is broken with watch_dogs as some have's pretty much what I did with AC:Black Flag cuz initially it was like buying some under cooked KFC, you wanna eat it cuz your hungry for it but it's not recomended so put it in the microwave cuz..I can't be fucked going back, so I nuke it and let it cook some more, when done it's now good enough to eat. While NOT ideal it gets you what you want, a tasty meal...or a properly working game when it came to AC:Black flag and hopefully now with Watch_dogs XD

I ate some undercooked chicken once. I was down for a month, and when I went to the toilet it looked like I had my first period. It wasn't pretty.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin