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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League


Anyone have the gta5 plat? I finally went back to play it, and once I got to Trevor I'm really enjoying it. Looks beautiful on my Panasonic 60Vt60 plasma. All that multi looks insane though, hopefully the multi is still active for at least another year. 

Sleeping Dogs and Far Cry 3 were both great open world games with near perfect trophy lists. 

Yeah I do.  Thankfully I was on it first thing when the Criminal Records race was still glitched which made levelling up warps faster.  I would have still gotten it though because I thorougly enjoy the online.  Don't worry you can count on the online to be active for years as well as many dlc updates.


OT:  Thanks for the update Arcturus!  Finally made that damn platinum leaderboard!

Around the Network

Thanks for the update. I've been putting in a lot of work on trophy hunting the past year. Like 5x as much as previous years.

Finally got my Ys: Memories of Celceta Plat!!

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

Iveyboi said:
Finally got my Ys: Memories of Celceta Plat!!

How much time did it take? I was thinking of getting the game sometime later.

veritaz said:
Iveyboi said:
Finally got my Ys: Memories of Celceta Plat!!

How much time did it take? I was thinking of getting the game sometime later.

Took me 56 hours but 15 of those ours were spent having the joystick mashed upwards as you have to play 5 hours with each character. If you plan better and use a guide for your first playthrough you could plat it in 35-45 hours.


PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

Around the Network
Iveyboi said:
veritaz said:
Iveyboi said:
Finally got my Ys: Memories of Celceta Plat!!

How much time did it take? I was thinking of getting the game sometime later.

Took me 56 hours but 15 of those ours were spent having the joystick mashed upwards as you have to play 5 hours with each character. If you plan better and use a guide for your first playthrough you could plat it in 35-45 hours.


That's not  long or short to platinum an rpg. Sounds excellent. 

Tbone said:
Yay finally got Injustice platinum on ps4. That glitched trophy. A way around it, u had to go below 30 on friends list. So i deleted 60 friends lol. But it popped at last. I feel like a wanna burn this piece of shit game.

Oh yeah I was going to ask you why you had to delete me temporarily!

HideoK said:
Tbone said:
Yay finally got Injustice platinum on ps4. That glitched trophy. A way around it, u had to go below 30 on friends list. So i deleted 60 friends lol. But it popped at last. I feel like a wanna burn this piece of shit game.

Oh yeah I was going to ask you why you had to delete me temporarily!

Well i sent you a message that i will add you again :p


fps_d0minat0r said:

btw blog share got rebooted.... so if you guys want to see changes to the trophy system, be sure to vote on the relevant ideas.
Heres a few of them...

All good ideas. I wonder what are the chances of their implementation.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Esquoret said:
fps_d0minat0r said:

btw blog share got rebooted.... so if you guys want to see changes to the trophy system, be sure to vote on the relevant ideas.
Heres a few of them...

All good ideas. I wonder what are the chances of their implementation.

Probably a better one than all of them just got posted =P