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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

For those that don't post much, the best way to raise your post count without necessary trolling/spamming is probably to answer questions asked in this thread because you are bound to know the answer to some of those....

On a side note, got my average completion rate up to 78% ! ( that's what Playfire tells me). Now to get it to 80%...( I need to get back to Penny Arcade 1, EoJ and advance more in Ferrarri Challenge..)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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@fadetoone: That's an interesting idea. I may start tracking that on my spreadsheet. Although, there's not much room to add it to the table that is posted here. Thanks.

ive got a idea acturus.

It may not be a popular one but since the rule about 50 posts came ages ago, the members of the trophy league should have at least 50 posts seen as though they have had since November i believe to achive this. If they are not, they are obviously are not active members and should be removed. Its harsh but it keeps active members of VGCHARTZ in the VGCHARTZ TROHY LEAGUE. It is the only fair way to do it. Dont remove someone who has 0 trophies but is a active member. They have earnt there right to be here by been active and contributing. Do you like my suggestion or think its unfair i want to know what you guys think.

as well as that Acturus i believe there are people on that list who arnt in vgchartz anymore. Most noticibky DMJMEISTER

@oliminator1994: Thanks. That's along the lines of what HideoK suggested, and what I've discussed above. I'm more so targeting those who have never posted, or who have only really posted to sign up for the league. I'm not really trying to target those who only post every so often. That's why I'm thinking of setting the minimum post count to something I bit lower than what you had suggested (50).

I'm heard that DMeisterJ left the site. I thought I'd give it a few weeks before I remove him, just in case he decides to return.

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I think there should at least be a minimum to 50 posts AND at least a minimum of 50 to 100 trophies
Anybody can play a game they like and just get a trophy and there are also those who actually try to get trophies
Someone could have like 20 trophies just from playin random games and coincidentally get an easy trophy for beatin a level or something and then they come on here and join the league just so their name will be on a website which is quite retarded

jboys got a point. the league is suppose to be competitive and encourage (force) people to grind for those tough trophies to get 1 point higher.

that being said this league isnt the nfl here. it shouldnt be so serious and should be fun. why should we say no to people who wont spend just to buy a game trophiesif they were never interested in the game. so the people who get trophies by just playing a game they like and dont go back to get the ones they missed shouldnt be discriminated against and id hope the league would push them to replay

Yeah exactly
With me if i miss a trophy i go back to get it
I'm on my third go around on Dead Space to finally get the platinum and with those people who just play the first go around just get the trophies for beatin the chapters and the silver at the end
people like this should be removed cuz it would probably make the update a whole lot easier to do
I guarantee most people lower down don't really care about actually gettin trophies they're just beatin the games they got and gettin trophies for doin it they're not actually tryin like me and most of the people who actually post
I notice its always the same people posting in forums which is like a total of 20 to 30 people IF that

you have a point. It is more or less the same people posting all the time. But we want more members to contirbute to Vgchartz as a whole not jus in this league.

Yeah i understand wat u mean but if they ain't participatin here then i highly doubt they will for the rest of the forums on the site