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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Wagram said:
I've always wondered Arcturus. How exactly do you figure out who has earned what through this trophy system? I imagine you don't sift through it manually.

Unfortunately, it's mostly a maual process that takes about 2 hours each week to do. Everyone's trophy totals (# of bronzes, silvers, golds, and platinums) are recorded manually. I log into the Playstation website with the vgchartz PSN accounts and sift through the friends lists. When I see that someone has earned a new platinum trophy, I use to find out which new platinum was earned.

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How have I not joined this yet? I'm gonna join this thing,

Didn't get my ac 3 plat in on time, most annoying uneasy plat iv done for awhile, knowing the bugs then hoping not to get them (considering my luck)

Arcturus said:
Wagram said:
I've always wondered Arcturus. How exactly do you figure out who has earned what through this trophy system? I imagine you don't sift through it manually.

Unfortunately, it's mostly a maual process that takes about 2 hours each week to do. Everyone's trophy totals (# of bronzes, silvers, golds, and platinums) are recorded manually. I log into the Playstation website with the vgchartz PSN accounts and sift through the friends lists. When I see that someone has earned a new platinum trophy, I use to find out which new platinum was earned.

Good lord man!

Arcturus said:
Wagram said:
I've always wondered Arcturus. How exactly do you figure out who has earned what through this trophy system? I imagine you don't sift through it manually.

Unfortunately, it's mostly a maual process that takes about 2 hours each week to do. Everyone's trophy totals (# of bronzes, silvers, golds, and platinums) are recorded manually. I log into the Playstation website with the vgchartz PSN accounts and sift through the friends lists. When I see that someone has earned a new platinum trophy, I use to find out which new platinum was earned.

Wow that's some serious dedication Arc.  You're awesome and we're all much obliged.

Around the Network
Wagram said:
I've always wondered Arcturus. How exactly do you figure out who has earned what through this trophy system? I imagine you don't sift through it manually.

The NSA tells Arcturus what trophy you have earned ;)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Nice! My first platinum was Killzone 2 and my 50th will be Killzone:SF… You see what I did?

DareDareCaro said:
Nice! My first platinum was Killzone 2 and my 50th will be Killzone:SF… You see what I did?

My first was Infamous, being at 49 now though I won't be waiting to have Infamous:ss be my 50th especially since I just need to finish Guacamelee on hard to get the plat.


and in the 3 hours since this post I finished it.

KOFXIII and Dmc1 platinum :)


DareDareCaro said:
Nice! My first platinum was Killzone 2 and my 50th will be Killzone:SF… You see what I did?

Ohh damn, I hoped I will be the first one with KZ SF plat on vgchartz. But the multi is such a time sink with the ability boosting...hopefully it's a 3 or 4 in the difficulty rating at least.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!