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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

maximus22 said:
I think Dead Space 2 is fine where it's at as hardcore mode wasn't all that hardcore.

And I use to think Mirror's Edge deserved a 4* (due to the time trials) but after playing it again when PSN went down in april, I beat all my old times and nearly went on to perfect every trial except 1.

As for my other 4* plat Killzone 2. I can't really make a judgement as I haven't replayed it in some time...

Hardcore was every bit as tough and much more flustering than either Demon's Souls or Mirror's edge IMO, it just didn't take as long.  I don't think it needs to be changed I was just honestly wondering where the difference is.

I haven't played Demon Souls but I do agree that Mirror's Edge can at times be as tuff as hardcore mode (Hypothetically of course) as I had absolutely no trouble at all with hardcore mode. I guess you can call me lucky! 

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MasterVG71782 said:
I think Dead Space 2 is fine where it's at as hardcore mode wasn't all that hardcore.

And I use to think Mirror's Edge deserved a 4* (due to the time trials) but after playing it again when PSN went down in april, I beat all my old times and nearly went on to perfect every trial except 1.

As for my other 4* plat Killzone 2. I can't really make a judgement as I haven't replayed it in some time...

Even if you know the routes to take, it still takes skill to pull off the runs in Mirror's Edge. Some of the trials and speedruns don't have a lot of room for error and this is one of the few games where skill plays a huge factor in getting platinum.

As usual I never used a guide or videos for any of the time challenges in Mirror's Edge. With that being said I would agree with you 110% that Mirror's Edge took some skill to plat back in the day. But if you were to play it today I swear it has gotten more lenient on it's time to make it easier. Either through a patch or other wise.

Got all the trophies on Welcome Park PSV. Wooo!

Well I just got my 4000th trophy ;)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I got my 1000th trophy :3


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

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Arcturus said:
I finished the single player campaign of Assassin's Creed Revelations a few days ago and decided to try out the multiplayer portion. AC Revelations requires an online pass for the multiplayer portion of the game. Like other games, the pass comes free with new copies of the game and is included on a separate sheet within the game case. For those that don't know, all games sold in Canada include a duplicate set of french contents (instruction manual, online passes, marketing materials, etc) in the game case.

So, I opened up the game case to search for the online pass. There were two instruction manuals (one in English, and one in French) and two sheets for the online pass. Since they don't want to provide two online passes inside of each new copy, they only include the code on the English sheet. On the French sheet, they instruct you to refer to the English sheet.

Well guess what? My copy of the game had to French online pass sheets inside the game case and no English sheet. Therefore, I didn't receive an online pass code. The game was purchased brand new and was a Christmas gift.

Thankfully Ubisoft allows to you try out the multiplayer for free with a free 3-day trial, so I was able to check it out. The multiplayer is quite fun, but I'm still pissed about their screw up.

Oh feel your pain I remembered how piss I was when my online pass for Mortal Kombat didn't work even though it was a brand new copy. 


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!


Yeah too much damm focus on online. Wouldn´t be suprised if there is a trophy for reaching max level online also.

Also another note, Street fighter x Tekken dosen´t seem to follow the difficulty as SF4. Every character has 20 trials and u only need to do 300 and there´s like 40 characters.


Ail said:
Enslaved : Odyssey to the West is really a good game, kind of sad it wasn't more successful..


My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Tbone said:

Yeah too much damm focus on online. Wouldn´t be suprised if there is a trophy for reaching max level online also.

Also another note, Street fighter x Tekken dosen´t seem to follow the difficulty as SF4. Every character has 20 trials and u only need to do 300 and there´s like 40 characters.

There's also one where you have to clear all missions in Mission Mode, whatever that is. The online stuff looks easier than previous ones, since there doesn't seem to be a "win 10 matches or whatever in a row" nonsense or nothing beyond getting to C rank for the first time; playing 500 matches will be a grind if you don't like online or fighting games (winning 100 might be a problem, but it doesn't say it has to be in ranked, so it's boostable).

I'm surprised Microsoft hasn't started crying fowl yet with SFxTekken, since the PS3/Vita versions have like 5-6 exclusive characters (some are Playstation characters) and they always make a big deal about multiplat games having the same content and/or them coming out at the same time.

HideoK said:

Twisted Metal has got to be a 5-star plat difficulty. Some of those trophies are ridiculously hard.
For instance beating the game without dying or using a garage.
Just the final obstacle course section of the final level would crush my hopes to get that trophy. I must have died at least 20 times there on my first attempt. Would be horrible to make it that far through the entire campaign only to lose it there.

Another extremely hard trophy would be earning a gold medal in every campaign on twisted difficulty. The AI is so unfair teaming up on you all at once on the hardest setting. At least human opponents don't all gang up on you at once.

The bronze trophy to win atleast 1 ranked game online for 30th straight days has to be the most stupid one.