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Tbone said:

Yeah too much damm focus on online. Wouldn´t be suprised if there is a trophy for reaching max level online also.

Also another note, Street fighter x Tekken dosen´t seem to follow the difficulty as SF4. Every character has 20 trials and u only need to do 300 and there´s like 40 characters.

There's also one where you have to clear all missions in Mission Mode, whatever that is. The online stuff looks easier than previous ones, since there doesn't seem to be a "win 10 matches or whatever in a row" nonsense or nothing beyond getting to C rank for the first time; playing 500 matches will be a grind if you don't like online or fighting games (winning 100 might be a problem, but it doesn't say it has to be in ranked, so it's boostable).

I'm surprised Microsoft hasn't started crying fowl yet with SFxTekken, since the PS3/Vita versions have like 5-6 exclusive characters (some are Playstation characters) and they always make a big deal about multiplat games having the same content and/or them coming out at the same time.