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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Ail said:
Ail said:
4 more days of vacations and then I am back in the race !

What I want to know is why are you posting on this site while you're vacationing in France???

I am at my parent's place and they have internet over there too !

I said Why not How are you posting lol It's just that if I were vacationing the last thing on my mind would be visiting here :P

But I hope you're enjoying yourself being with your family before your inevitable return to trophy collecting!

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viewtiful_jon said:
You got my new Platinum trophy wroung for this week. You put me down for Section 8 when it was actually Section 8 Prejudice that I got the platinum on.

I'll fix that when I have a chance. Remind me if you don't see this fixed by next update.

Thanks, doubt it will make any difference to anything but I will be the first to get it. Just got Infamous 2 which was just as easy as the first game. Think I have to stop hunting so many platinums at the moment whilst I catch up on some PSN game backlogs.

I will try to get the platinum trophy of Dead Nation this week I hope I can make it time for next week updates.

Yeah I was surprised to see Dead Nation is getting DLC. I'll want to get that back up to 100%!

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KylieDog said:
Anyone playing Portal 2 or going for the plat? I'm almost done with co-op, but when I am I need 3 hugs from friends still and I need play co-op with someone that never has. Anyone here got an alt account I can do that with? I have an alt account to do it back to also, if we both hug on main and alt accounts we both get 2 of the 3 hugs done also.

I let a friend borrow Portal 2, but I'll be asking for it back when the DLC releases. If you can't find anyone else I could help you with a hug, and I could create an alt account.

It feels so weird not having a PS3, after playing it pretty much non-stop for 3 years. Still haven't gotten a new yet, so my trophy collecting has been put to a halt.

yeah Valve said the free Portal 2 DLC would be released mid-September.

What are you waiting for to buy a new PS3? It's only $250 now!

HideoK said:
yeah Valve said the free Portal 2 DLC would be released mid-September.

What are you waiting for to buy a new PS3? It's only $250 now!

What am I waiting for? I'm waiting for $250 to fall into my pocket :P

Ail said:
4 more days of vacations and then I am back in the race !

LOL I was gonna say I've never heard of anyone wanting vacation to end so they can game, but then I realized I'm exactly the same way.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes