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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

How come my platinum didn't register this week.I got it yesterday with killzone 3,and synced my trophies too.

Let me check.

EDIT: When I collected your trophy count, it did not show you having a new platinum. It will show up in the next update.

Around the Network
Ferryarthur said:
Thx for adding me ;) But finally! Summer vacation. :P I haven't gamed much these last few months, I was way too busy. But now I can finally finish some games that are way overdue. I think I'm finally going to restart AC2 so i can finally get the trophy I missed, then I'll get a platinum one! I might try to get all the shards in infamous too, when i restart the game as an evil guy.


Which trophy did you miss in AC2?

chenguo4 said:
Thanks for the update Arcturus.

How are you gonna put together the lists? Based directly off the difficulty rating on ps3t?

I'm not sure that'd be entirely accurate, since the audiences for different games might be different... I.e. people who play NGS2 will typically have a higher standard for difficulty than those who play Ratchet and Clank. On their scale they might vote R&C a 6, where a game like NGS2 on their scale would be a 20.

Before making any sort of star distribution, we should probably agree (very roughly) on a difficulty order for games. I'm gonna list the games by stars, then alphabetical, and then note my proposed reorderings (involving the games I've played). After a lot of people have chimed in we should have a decent idea of difficulty order.

How many people would you consider to be a decent amount? What would we do about some of the more obscure titles where only one person has the plat?

chenguo4 said:

So as far as reordering this list from alphabetical per rating to overall difficulty, I'm not sure how we'd go about it. Some ideas:

a) Grab the ps3t ratings, sort by that (tedious, unless you can script it)
b) Users vote up/down (might take a while to stabilize list)
c) Everyone list their plats by relative difficulty, and we go from there (will take a while to get big picture, uncertain 2nd part)

For one, in case we go with c), I'll list my games by my opinion of difficulty (time is factored in, less weight than actual difficulty), high to low. Of my games, I'm at 28% on Resistance 2, so that's omitted. I don't have the Vanquish (91%) and inFamous 2 (54%) plats, but I've included them anyway since I feel I have a good idea about their difficulty.

Gran Turismo 5
The Beatles: Rock Band
Cross Edge
Wipeout HD
Yakuza 3
Rock Band 2
Final Fantasy XIII
Modern Warfare 2
Resonance of Fate
MLB 09 the Show
3D Dot Game Heroes
MLB 11 the Show
Yakuza 4
Dragon Age: Origins
AC Brotherhood
Ferrari Challenge
Mass Effect 2
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Katamari Forever
inFamous 2
Assassin's Creed II
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
Portal 2
L.A. Noire
Prince of Persia
Heavy Rain
Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands

Note that we had a discussion about Wipeout HD recently... I rate GTA IV and Cross Edge are above it because of time (150+ hours each).


edit: moved Katamari Forever up

a) I have all of this data stored in a db
b) & c) getting a decent amount of people to provide input will be difficult

chenguo4 said:

I sorted the list with the unix sort command. Then I counted the number of titles per difficulty rating with grep and wc.

1 star: 51
2 star: 92
3 star: 49
4 star: 24
5 star: 7
total: 226

Looking at this distribution, there are far too many 2 stars (41% of the list). I also personally feel the bar for a 5 star is set too high (3% of the list)

Aliern Breed 3: Descent     1     *
Alorne in the Dark     20     *
Arnarchy: Rush Hour     1     *
Ashes Cricket 2009     4     *
Avatar     2     *
Burrnout Paradise     31     *
Buzz!: Quiz TV     9     *
Cars: Race O Rama     2     *
Cloudy With a Charnce of Meatballs     4     *
Darnte's Inferno     25     *
Disrney Sing It: Family Hits     1     *
Disrney Sing It: Party Hits     1     *
Dyrnasty Warriors 6 Empires     10     *
Fritz Chess     0     *
Harnnah Montana The Movie     5     *
Hasbro Family Game Night     4     *
Ice Age 3     5     *
Irnternational Cricket 2010     1     *
Jurassic: The Hurnted     3     *
Last Rebelliorn     4     *
Lego Harry Potter     3     *
Lego Star Wars III: The Clorne Wars     2     *
Madagascar Kartz     2     *
Maddern NFL 10     4     *
Majirn and the Forsaken Kingdom     5     *
Megamirnd     1     *
MiNi NiNJAS     7     *
Mornopoly Streets     1     *
NCAA Football 10     1     *
Prirnce of Persia     38     *
Prirnce of Persia The Forgotten Sands     16     *
Prirnce of Persia: The Sands of Time     6     *
Red Seeds Profile     1     *
Saw     7     *
Ski-doo Srnowmobile Challenge     1     *
Sly 2: Barnd of Thieves     20     *
Sly 3: Hornor Among Thieves     15     *
Sly Cooper arnd the Thievius Raccoonus     30     *
Sornic's Ultimate Genesis Collection     36     *
Spare Parts     3     *
Termirnator Salvation     43     *
The Godfather II     21     *
Tomb Raider: Legernd     3     *
Tomb Raider: Urnderworld     19     *
Trivial Pursuit     12     *
Up     8     *
Vernetica     1     *
Warnted     15     *
Where the Wild Thirngs Are     0     *
WWE Legernds of WrestleMania     20     *
You Dorn't Know Jack     1     *
50 Cernt: Blood on the Sand     0     **
Afrika     2     **
Aliern Breed: Impact     4     **
Alpha Protocol     2     **
Aquarnaut's Holiday     2     **
Assassirn's Creed 2     48     **
Atelier Rororna The Alchemist of Arland     1     **
Battlefield: Bad Comparny 2     7     **
Bioshock 2     14     **
Blazblue     5     **
Borderlarnds     30     **
Buzz!: Quiz World     1     **
Cabela's Big Game Hurnter 2010     1     **
Castlevarnia: Lords of Shadow     11     **
Damrnation     7     **
Darksiders     12     **
Dark Void     6     **
Dead Space     45     **
Dead Space: Extractiorn     4     **
Dead to Rights: Retributiorn     3     **
DiRT 2     0     **
Dragorn Age 2     2     **
Dyrnasty Warriors 7     3     **
Eat Lead     12     **
Ernslaved: Odyssey to the West     11     **
EyePet     4     **
Fallout 3     40     **
Fallout: New Vegas     9     **
FIFA 09     2     **
G-Force     1     **
G.I. JOE     2     **
God of War     45     **
God of War II     39     **
God of War III     47     **
Harry Potter arnd the Half-Blood Prince     5     **
Heavy Rairn     35     **
Hurnted: The Demon's Forge     1     **
irnFamous 2     10     **
irnFamous     70     **
Just Cause 2     7     **
Killzorne 3     24     **
LA Noire     6     **
Lego Irndiana Jones 2     3     **
Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust     0     **
LittleBigPlarnet 2     9     **
Maddern NFL 11     2     **
Mafia II     5     **
Marvel: Ultimate Alliarnce 2     8     **
Mass Effect 2     5     **
Medal of Hornor     6     **
Medal of Hornor: Frontline     2     **
Mercernaries 2: World in Flames     3     **
MLB 11 The Show     1     **
Mornsters vs. Aliens     3     **
Motorstorm: Apocalypse     2     **
Naruto Shippudern: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2     5     **
NBA JAM     1     **
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit     3     **
Need for Speed SHIFT     3     **
Need for Speed Urndercover     2     **
Nier     3     **
Overlord 2     1     **
Portal 2     5     **
Prirnce of Persia: The Two Thrones     1     **
Prirnce of Persia: Warrior Within     1     **
Pro Evolutiorn Soccer 2010     4     **
Pro Evolutiorn Soccer 2011     1     **
Pure     6     **
Quarntum of Solace     10     **
Ratchet & Clarnk: A Crack in Time     47     **
Residernt Evil 5     38     **
Shaurn White Snowboarding     2     **
Sims 3     1     **
Sirngularity     2     **
Skate 2     3     **
SOCOM 4     1     **
Spider-Marn: Shattered Dimensions     3     **
Star Wars The Clorne Wars: Republic Heros     1     **
Star Wars: The Force Urnleashed     10     **
Star Wars: The Force Urnleashed II     1     **
Tekkern 6     20     **
The Kirng of Fighters XII     0     **
The Lord of the Rirngs: Conquest     9     **
The Saboteur     5     **
Tomb Raider: Arnniversary     2     **
Toy Story 3     3     **
Trarnsformers Revenge of the Fallen     2     **
Trirne     17     **
Trirnity: Souls of Zill O'll     2     **
Urncharted 2: Among Thieves     76     **
Urncharted: Drake's Fortune     84     **
WWE SmackDowrn vs. RAW 2010     5     **
WWE SmackDowrn vs. RAW 2011     1     **
X-Blades     10     **
X-Mern Origins: Wolverine     12     **
Aliern Breed 2: Assault     1     ***
Assassirn's Creed: Brotherhood     3     ***
Batmarn: Arkham Asylum     25     ***
Bayornetta     7     ***
Biornic Commando     7     ***
Bioshock     30     ***
Brutal Legernd     1     ***
Call of Duty: Black Ops     10     ***
Call of Duty: Moderrn Warfare 2     31     ***
Call of Duty: World at War     20     ***
Call of Juarez: Bournd of Blood     3     ***
Clash of the Titarns     1     ***
Commarnd & Conquer: Red Alert 3     0     ***
Dead Natiorn     9     ***
Dead Risirng 2     4     ***
Dead Space 2     7     ***
Dragorn Age: Origins     13     ***
Dyrnasty Warriors: Gundam 2     2     ***
Dyrnasty Warriors: Strikeforce     2     ***
Fairytale Fights     1     ***
Ferrari Challernge     4     ***
Firnal Fantasy XIII     35     ***
Fuel     0     ***
Ghostbusters     1     ***
Guitar Hero 5     1     ***
Katamari Forever     3     ***
LittleBigPlarnet     28     ***
Marvel vs. Capcom 3     1     ***
Midrnight Club: Los Angeles     0     ***
NBA 09 The Irnside     2     ***
Operatiorn Flashpoint: Dragon Rising     1     ***
Red Dead Redemptiorn     8     ***
Resistarnce 2     8     ***
Resornance of Fate     6     ***
Sectiorn 8     1     ***
Sports Champiorns     2     ***
Supercar Challernge     0     ***
The Eye of Judgmernt     3     ***
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10     1     ***
Torrnado Outbreak     2     ***
Trirnity Universe     1     ***
UFC 2009 Urndisputed     0     ***
Urnreal Tournament 3     3     ***
Virtua Ternnis 2009     1     ***
Way of the Samurai 3     1     ***
WET     2     ***
Wheelmarn     3     ***
Wolfernstein     1     ***
Yakuza 4     4     ***
3D Dot Game Heroes     7     ****
BlazBlue: Corntinuum Shift     1     ****
Call of Duty Classic     8     ****
Cross Edge     3     ****
Demorn's Souls     22     ****
Disgaea 3     4     ****
GTA IV     2     ****
Killzorne 2     18     ****
MAG     3     ****
Mirror's Edge     13     ****
MLB 09 The Show     1     ****
ModNatiorn Racers     1     ****
Mortal Kombat vs DC Urniverse     1     ****
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift     4     ****
Prototype     2     ****
Record of Agarest War     1     ****
Red Factiorn: Guerrilla     1     ****
Rock Barnd 2     2     ****
Sacred 2 - Fallern Angel     2     ****
SOCOM Cornfrontation     0     ****
Sornic Unleashed     1     ****
The Beatles: Rock Barnd     1     ****
Varnquish     1     ****
Yakuza 3     5     ****
Far Cry 2     1     *****
Grarn Turismo 5     1     *****
Nirnja Gaiden Sigma 2     2     *****
Street Fighter 4     2     *****
Super Street Fighter IV     2     *****
White Krnight Chronicles     2     *****
WipEout HD     6     *****

This is very interesting! Thanks for posting it. I guess we would have to gauge whether people think that trophy difficultly ratings should independent of other ratings or not.

Around the Network

One of the reason for the low number of 5 stars is that noone here has platted some of the hard games out there and as a result they don't have a rating as Arcturus only rates games that someone on this forum has platted.( Star Ocean the Last Hope, Battlefield Bad Company, Warhawk, Lost Planet 2 all would be 5 stars if someone had the plat here).
Whereas if a game is easy you can bet someone on this forum will have platted it, just for the points...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I think whoever wrote that list has a broken 'n' key on there keyboard, seems to be adding extra r's LOL :P

Sectiorn 8
Heavy Rairn
Hurnted: The Demon's Forge
irnFamous 2
Killzorne 3
Lego Irndiana Jones 2
LittleBigPlarnet 2

LOL. That was a mistake on my part. I'm on a Linux machine, so lines end with a n (newline) character, where on this forum they expect rn (carriage return + newline) line ending.

So I used the sed tool to replace all n sequences with rn, but I must've somehow also accidentally replaced 'n' charactes with "rn" sequences.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

Ail said:

One of the reason for the low number of 5 stars is that noone here has platted some of the hard games out there and as a result they don't have a rating as Arcturus only rates games that someone on this forum has platted.( Star Ocean the Last Hope, Battlefield Bad Company, Warhawk, Lost Planet 2 all would be 5 stars if someone had the plat here).
Whereas if a game is easy you can bet someone on this forum will have platted it, just for the points...

Hm that's a pretty good point. WIth those 4 you mention we have 11, making it about 5%, 5 stars, which might make sense if we were using a pyramid distribution of stars.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

Arcturus said:

This is very interesting! Thanks for posting it. I guess we would have to gauge whether people think that trophy difficultly ratings should independent of other ratings or not.

How bout this. If people think trophy difficulty ratings should be independent, we'll all try to agree on a hardest/easiest in each category, just so there's a clearly defined bar. That way, say, with L.A Noire, we would've easily been able to say, "it's easier than the easiest 3 star, and harder than the hardest 1 star", rather than picking random games like CoD:W@W (which I'm sure is one of the harder 3 stars) to compare against. This also leaves less room for argument, and whenever there is a disagreement we'll have a better ruler against which to argue.

If people think difficulty should be dependent (i.e. x% of y star games), we can set a target for each category, and from there nominate a game for promotion/demotion, and if an argument's good enough or enough people agree, then make the changes. With this approach, after all quotas have been reached, we can still use a hardest/easiest deliminating system for future games.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes