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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Haven't been playing in a while...need to finish up LA Noire so I can play Infamous 2!

I can't wait for today's update, my first plat last year (ouch).

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I wish steam achievements counted too lol.

I got my first 4 achievements in Shogun Total War 2.....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Esquoret said:
I think the bottom line is...

Everyone will have some opinions about which game should add a star or take off a star. The ratings may not be 100% accurate in anyone's eyes, but the most important thing is that everyone abides by it, making it fair for the league as a whole. And overall I think it's an enjoyable league with a trustworthy system.

It's like having a weight scale that's just a bit off, or a clock that's a little fast - it's still very useful, and definitely better than if you had nothing at all.

So perhaps go a little easier on the nitpicking and in turn make Arcturus' job a little smoother - he sure has a lot on his plate already, updating over a hundred people's trophy status every week. If anything, I say he gets a bonus star for every game he plats.

Even with this bonus, I still wouldn't make the platinum leaderboard ;_;

chenguo4 said:
I think we just need to establish what the requirements for a star are, so people don't complain about them. Let's start with the very basics... How do we think the ratings should be distributed?

a) Flat: 20% 1 star, 20% 2 star, etc. Roughly 1/5 of games are in each category.
b) Bell curve-ish, something like 10%, 20%, 40%, 20%, 10% for the 5 possible ratings.
c) Pyramid: 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, something to this effect.

Either a) or b) makes the most sense to me. I'd say b) is roughly where we're at right now, except the 1 stars and 2 stars are a bit more common than 5 stars and 4 stars, respectively.

What I'm saying is, let's all agree on a distribution. I think the relative difficulty of games is mostly agreed upon (i.e. LA Noire is easier than Modern Warfare II, etc). If we can figure out roughly what percentage of games belong in what category, there'll be less bitching all around.

I think I mentioned this before - I'm open to changing how the ratings for each game are determined, but only if others feel that current method doesn't work well. Maybe after the update tonight I'll try creating three separate lists with the distribution methods above to see what others think.

chenguo4 said:
Just got Beat Zico in Wipeout HD. Had a string of 30.88, 30.86, 30.84, 30.83 (!!) before finally beating the 30.82 target with a 30.73. I spent a day being stupid and not using sideshifts (this was the 30.88 time), but once I started using sideshifts I was consistently breaking 31.00 and got it in an hour.

I beat without sideshifts and using only three barrel rolls ... using four barrel rools and sideshifts I done in 30.12.

Congrats anyway... Wipeout HD is my hardest Platinum.

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KylieDog said:

Using PS3T is fine but when some games get bogus ratings or become a lot easier over time I think a change in the rating should be called into question and altered if need be, LA Noire a perfect example, a game without challenge and using a guide can be platted in 15-20 hours.  That is a one star surely?

Well, from everything I've heard, there's certainly no way it's harder than NBA Jam.  I still think I kinda got screwed with a 2 star on that one.  NBA Jam took actual skill, patience and cunning, and it doesn't sound like LA Noire requires any of that.

Finaly after all these years of putting games away once i completed the single player and on some games like KZ a bit of MP and not worrying about Plats i finaly got one so a big shout out to DW7 you got my cherry

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

KylieDog said:
Arcturus said:

I think I mentioned this before - I'm open to changing how the ratings for each game are determined, but only if others feel that current method doesn't work well. Maybe after the update tonight I'll try creating three separate lists with the distribution methods above to see what others think.

Using PS3T is fine but when some games get bogus ratings or become a lot easier over time I think a change in the rating should be called into question and altered if need be, LA Noire a perfect example, a game without challenge and using a guide can be platted in 15-20 hours.  That is a one star surely?

I'm fine with adjusting the rating of a game like LA Noire when most agree that it is off. It will be lowered to a rating of 2 for this update.

Changing the rating on games that have gotten easier over time due to patches or DLC is problematic, since those who earn the platinum before the patch or DLC would be penalized if the rating were to be adjusted down.

Hunted: The Demon's Forge - Platinum Trophy Holders


Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
