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chenguo4 said:
I think we just need to establish what the requirements for a star are, so people don't complain about them. Let's start with the very basics... How do we think the ratings should be distributed?

a) Flat: 20% 1 star, 20% 2 star, etc. Roughly 1/5 of games are in each category.
b) Bell curve-ish, something like 10%, 20%, 40%, 20%, 10% for the 5 possible ratings.
c) Pyramid: 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, something to this effect.

Either a) or b) makes the most sense to me. I'd say b) is roughly where we're at right now, except the 1 stars and 2 stars are a bit more common than 5 stars and 4 stars, respectively.

What I'm saying is, let's all agree on a distribution. I think the relative difficulty of games is mostly agreed upon (i.e. LA Noire is easier than Modern Warfare II, etc). If we can figure out roughly what percentage of games belong in what category, there'll be less bitching all around.

I think I mentioned this before - I'm open to changing how the ratings for each game are determined, but only if others feel that current method doesn't work well. Maybe after the update tonight I'll try creating three separate lists with the distribution methods above to see what others think.