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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Ail said:

Going to be away for 5 days so for once I don't feel so bad about PSN being down.......

Haven't been getting many trophies these last 10 days anyway as I got back to GT5.

Still a long way to go to the plat but I am slowing making progress...

Working on the Grand Tour Eiger right now, I found the right way to do it , now I just have to execute ( standing at 17.23 right now and if I add all my best intermediates times together my potential is around 16.7 and I need to be bellow 17.00 so definitly possible...)

Nice Ail! So close... All it takes is that one magical run. How are you doing on Vettels, bspec, etc?

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

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chenguo4 said:
A203D said:

By the way it seems i'm still the only person who platinumed Vanquish - anyone attempted Tactical Challenge 6 on this game - i want to know what people thought of this.

it was the most ball bustin trophy i think i had to get tbh!

Edit: chers for the Bioshock 2 tips guys!

Couldn't unlock 6, didn't beat 4. I didn't find this game fun enough to repeat waves over and over, though eventually I'll probably give it another go just cause it's a blemish on my trophy list.

Trust me it wasnt fun, no 4 is hard but its doable after a while of hard work. challenge no 6 is in a league of its own - it took me days to finish it - i never thought i would, and i got really luckly tbh.

Jboy0990 said:

I'm just curious, but who all has a facebook? 

I would think most people have one, but I could be mistaken. I do have one, but I rarely use it; I may use it like once a month, if that.

MasterVG71782 said:
Jboy0990 said:

I'm just curious, but who all has a facebook? 

I would think most people have one, but I could be mistaken. I do have one, but I rarely use it; I may use it like once a month, if that.

I mainly just use it to post my trophy feed, make random musings and comment on the goings of Dallas sports teams named Cowboys and Mavericks.

A203D said:

By the way it seems i'm still the only person who platinumed Vanquish - anyone attempted Tactical Challenge 6 on this game - i want to know what people thought of this.

it was the most ball bustin trophy i think i had to get tbh!

Edit: chers for the Bioshock 2 tips guys!

ugh...I can't get through challenge 4...

Around the Network
arcane_chaos said:
A203D said:

By the way it seems i'm still the only person who platinumed Vanquish - anyone attempted Tactical Challenge 6 on this game - i want to know what people thought of this.

it was the most ball bustin trophy i think i had to get tbh!

Edit: chers for the Bioshock 2 tips guys!

ugh...I can't get through challenge 4...

yeah, i was there for a while as well, luckly challenge 5 is easy. i recommend youtube - probabily the most effective tool is boost dodge.

A203D said:
arcane_chaos said:
A203D said:

By the way it seems i'm still the only person who platinumed Vanquish - anyone attempted Tactical Challenge 6 on this game - i want to know what people thought of this.

it was the most ball bustin trophy i think i had to get tbh!

Edit: chers for the Bioshock 2 tips guys!

ugh...I can't get through challenge 4...

yeah, i was there for a while as well, luckly challenge 5 is easy. i recommend youtube - probabily the most effective tool is boost dodge.

Heh I boosted dodged through 95% of challenge 3

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

I know people have been kicked out of the league for cheating to get trophies on games like BUZZ which i agree with but whats the call on Demons Souls, with duping items?

Just that i lost my save due to YLOD and Cloud saves not being around at the time, was thinking about duping to try and recover some of my progress but still undecided, but if it would threaten my place in the league i certainly wouldnt do it, what are peoples thoughts?

Xenostar said:

I know people have been kicked out of the league for cheating to get trophies on games like BUZZ which i agree with but whats the call on Demons Souls, with duping items?

Just that i lost my save due to YLOD and Cloud saves not being around at the time, was thinking about duping to try and recover some of my progress but still undecided, but if it would threaten my place in the league i certainly wouldnt do it, what are peoples thoughts?

I'm not sure about that, since you still have to play the game and whatnot to get most of the trophies. With the glitches for games like BUZZ and Socom, the glitches allowed to instantaneously obtain trophies with no work at all (they unlocked by using a modified save, if I'm not mistaken).

Xenostar said:

I know people have been kicked out of the league for cheating to get trophies on games like BUZZ which i agree with but whats the call on Demons Souls, with duping items?

Just that i lost my save due to YLOD and Cloud saves not being around at the time, was thinking about duping to try and recover some of my progress but still undecided, but if it would threaten my place in the league i certainly wouldnt do it, what are peoples thoughts?

If it were me, I'd call your case an extenuating circumstance, as long as you at least tried to be honest and get something that got you to about the same place you were, but I have no idea what you're referring to with "duping items."