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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Finally finished all of the SSFIV trials.  A few more characters to rank C and some arcade mode and the plat is mine.  I just hope I can synch my trophies soon..............

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Esquoret said:
KylieDog said:
MasterVG71782 said:
KylieDog said:

Wow just read on some gaming news sites any trophies that were unsynced before PSN was taken offline and any earned until it is restored will be voided and you will need earn them again.ust kidding...

Yeah, I doubt that's going to happen. I'm sure there are plenty of people who play offline for a good while, earn a good amount of trophies, and then go online and sync them all at once. The fact that you can earn trophies while not connected to PSN at all should be proof to that.

Just like trophies earned during the leap year fiasco right?  I had to re-do several Heavy Rain trophies due to that.

Our credit card details may well be stolen and now they want to take away our trophies too?! WTF.

What's this leap year thing?

Seriously hate hackers right now. They're worse than bank robbers.

leap year was something totally different.

What happened is some fat PS3 had internal clock issues and basically you earned trophies in the future and of course the psn refused to sync them  believing you had cheated..


Basically you lost trophies at that time because your PS3 was  bugged. Here the PS3 are fine, the issue is the PSN..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
Esquoret said:
KylieDog said:
MasterVG71782 said:
KylieDog said:

Wow just read on some gaming news sites any trophies that were unsynced before PSN was taken offline and any earned until it is restored will be voided and you will need earn them again.ust kidding...

Yeah, I doubt that's going to happen. I'm sure there are plenty of people who play offline for a good while, earn a good amount of trophies, and then go online and sync them all at once. The fact that you can earn trophies while not connected to PSN at all should be proof to that.

Just like trophies earned during the leap year fiasco right?  I had to re-do several Heavy Rain trophies due to that.

Our credit card details may well be stolen and now they want to take away our trophies too?! WTF.

What's this leap year thing?

Seriously hate hackers right now. They're worse than bank robbers.

leap year was something totally different.

What happened is some fat PS3 had internal clock issues and basically you earned trophies in the future and of course the psn refused to sync them  believing you had cheated..

Basically you lost trophies at that time because your PS3 was  bugged. Here the PS3 are fine, the issue is the PSN..

I see, thanks. I just hope everything goes back to normal soon.

Seems like the biggest issue that Sony's encountered this generation.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

EncodedNybble said:

Finally finished all of the SSFIV trials.  A few more characters to rank C and some arcade mode and the plat is mine.  I just hope I can synch my trophies soon..............

Well done. Which one did u find hardest? Ibukis last trial was hardest for me.


Am I the only one that saw the "Just Kidding" on KylieDog's post, or is everyone just running with the idea as if it were real anyway?

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fadetoone said:

Am I the only one that saw the "Just Kidding" on KylieDog's post, or is everyone just running with the idea as if it were real anyway?

lol i hadnt noticed that, glad it was a joke as im storming through single player games at the moment with PSN down :D

yeah I saw the kust kidding, diidnt bother mentioning it as I thought everyone eas just trying to mess with each other about it. I have 130 of PSN games to download and I cant get to them. NGS2 is getting tough and Im no where near done with anything on it, Not a game I think I can get the platinum on but at least its a fun game to try.

KylieDog said:

Wow just read on some gaming news sites any trophies that were unsynced before PSN was taken offline and any earned until it is restored will be voided and you will need earn them again.


Just kidding...

Oh there it is! How could I have missed that the first time around ...

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Really wish I have the money to buy Yakuza 4 or Ar Tonelico so I can cope up with PSN being down. UGH!

Why on PS3 is there a Demon Souls and a Demon Souls EU, do the trophies stack or something, just asking as im thinking about going back to plat this again in the future, but i lost my save to YLOD for my import US copy, and i would consider buying the EU copy to get the trohies again as i have to start from bloody scratch anyway.

Still so very gutted that i lost my new game plus  save :(