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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

HideoK said:

So little trophy collecting happening for me lately as well. A new girlfriend has been slowing me down ><

I hope for you that you get the platin trophy on that one soon - 100% cleared :D


sly collection getting 3 platin trophies, for every game one

looking forward to that collection, missed em on the ps2 an the gow collection was great value for the money too

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Jboy0990 said:

Uh oh we gonna soon have a MsHideoK? lol jk

lol, I thought the same thing for a second there.


I want to get more plats but the only games I can really go back to are Red Dead Redemption and GTAIV -_-. And all that is left are multi trophies, and I def. do not feel like doing all that work esp. for the Auf W. trophy lol. I'll never understand why Rockstar decided to make this a bronze trophy rather than a gold.


@Marciosmg  Sorry to hear that man hopefully thinks will work out for you sooner than later


@Jboy  I aswell am tired of MW2s shortcomings but with any luck i'll only have to play it for 4 more months until the new MOH comes out and hopefully the online is decent and not like the BFBC series but a better version of COD until then i'll just mess around with the beta off and on until it releases


@Postofficebuddy  Congrats on your Wipeout plat!

Thanks. The problem is that here in brazil you have whats called a franchise. As in, you have a limit on how much you can download per month.

Since there is more than 1 person using the internet here, the limit is alwas passed before the end of the month. But this month it happened sooner than usual. So its a long wait till the next month to get my speed back again.

Id get a higher speed (which also means a higher limit) but its too expensive for me in the moment. I need to conrol myself better, lol.

My second Platinum today... Ucharted.

MasterVG71782 said:
postofficebuddy said:

I'm considering importing Tales of Vesperia. What's the platinum difficulty rating for that and 3D Dot Game Heroes?

I've heard both are quite annoying and can be somewhat of a challenge. ToV has a lot of collection trophies (one for items and one for monsters, I think), as well as a trophy for viewing all of the scenes you can have with your party members. It certainly sounds like a pain in the ass.

With 3D Dot Game Heroes, you need to beat it on every difficulty, including Spelunker mode, where you die in one hit. You also need to complete all mini-games, some of which I hear are a pain in the butt, and you'll need to collect all of the swords, too.

I'm working on 3D Dot Game Heroes right now, it's not as bad as people say it is, though yes, one particular mini-game is extremely annoying and can easily take you 10 hours to beat both parts. I'd place 3DDGH at a solid 4, but it wont take you nearly as long as some of the other 4s, such as GTA IV or MLB the Show.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

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Jboy0990 said:

Uh oh we gonna soon have a MsHideoK? lol jk

Hahahaha. Still waaaay to early to tell.

mr_capello said:

I hope for you that you get the platin trophy on that one soon - 100% cleared :D

LMAO. I wonder what getting 100% platinum with a girlfriend would require... hmmmm.  Well I can certainly take a good guess and I know it's not having a baby - that would require add-on DLC.  

HideoK said:
Jboy0990 said:

Uh oh we gonna soon have a MsHideoK? lol jk

Hahahaha. Still waaaay to early to tell.

mr_capello said:

I hope for you that you get the platin trophy on that one soon - 100% cleared :D

LMAO. I wonder what getting 100% platinum with a girlfriend would require... hmmmm.  Well I can certainly take a good guess and I know it's not having a baby - that would require add-on DLC.  

having a baby is probably more next gen than dlc :D

Hopefully this will post :)

@hideok i have exact situation with a new girl myself, always something taking up my time lol

seem to be cursed with platinums as seem to be far away from anything or just can't enjoy the game to bother with my limited time :/ hardly touched red dead or mod racer and seem miles away from the just cause 2 plat and just started bioshock 2 lol i will reach 50 :P

@ mattbfg: Glad to see that you're able to post again.

I have a lot of E3 news to catch up on.


Ha! Your right that's got to be a next generation PS4 trophy.