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@Marciosmg  Sorry to hear that man hopefully thinks will work out for you sooner than later


@Jboy  I aswell am tired of MW2s shortcomings but with any luck i'll only have to play it for 4 more months until the new MOH comes out and hopefully the online is decent and not like the BFBC series but a better version of COD until then i'll just mess around with the beta off and on until it releases


@Postofficebuddy  Congrats on your Wipeout plat!

Thanks. The problem is that here in brazil you have whats called a franchise. As in, you have a limit on how much you can download per month.

Since there is more than 1 person using the internet here, the limit is alwas passed before the end of the month. But this month it happened sooner than usual. So its a long wait till the next month to get my speed back again.

Id get a higher speed (which also means a higher limit) but its too expensive for me in the moment. I need to conrol myself better, lol.