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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

KylieDog said:
fadetoone said:
Ok, so what's the best strategy for these shao long bastards? I 5 starred the guy that drops the gold watch, but I can't seem to put a dent in this guy...


The adult adamantoises (tougher ones)?    Use pre-fight buffs, instant summon, debuff the head and Rav/Rav/Rav till 900% stagger or so then Com/Com/Com and Highwind with Fang as stagger about to end, sometimes have time to Rav/Rav/Rav againa nd stagger a second time before it gets up.  Anyway, as it begins to stand use an elixer to regain TP and summon again, repeat process.


Real cheap and real easy way to kill one.

No not those guys.  I already took a couple of them down.  I'm talking about the little bastards.

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fadetoone said:
KylieDog said:
fadetoone said:
Ok, so what's the best strategy for these shao long bastards? I 5 starred the guy that drops the gold watch, but I can't seem to put a dent in this guy...


The adult adamantoises (tougher ones)?    Use pre-fight buffs, instant summon, debuff the head and Rav/Rav/Rav till 900% stagger or so then Com/Com/Com and Highwind with Fang as stagger about to end, sometimes have time to Rav/Rav/Rav againa nd stagger a second time before it gets up.  Anyway, as it begins to stand use an elixer to regain TP and summon again, repeat process.


Real cheap and real easy way to kill one.

No not those guys.  I already took a couple of them down.  I'm talking about the little bastards.

I forgot exactly what I did, but here's the rough outline... I think I used Fang, Vanille, and Lightning.

Start fight in SEN/SEN/SEN, the little bastard will try to jump you.
Syn/Syn/Med, get everyone to have the standard haste, protect, shell combo, and enfire. Enfire is really, really important, especially for your big damage dealer, who I'm assuming is Fang.

Sab/Sab/Med. Get Slow, Imperil, Bio, Deprotect on the guy. You'll probably end up with Deshell because the AI likes to cast it, which I dont think matters too much. Try to use a main that'll cast the spells the AI wont cast right away, the AI usually likes to do Deprotect, Deshell, then Imperil I think.

Rav/Rav/Rav. 999% stagger.

Com/Com/Com, for damage dealing obviously.


At some point during Rav/Rav/Rav stage or Com/Com/Com stage, you may need to heal. I do Com/Med/Med. Repeat this as necesssary, and switch to SEN/SEN/SEN as necessary. This wasn't exact since it's from memory, but should be a good guideline. Also, General's Belts or whatever the physical damage reduction accessory was helps a lot. I had at least 30% phys dmg reduction on all my party.




PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

back in the day i was in the top 50 ... now im barely in the top 150...OUCH



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

fadetoone said:
Ok, so what's the best strategy for these shao long bastards? I 5 starred the guy that drops the gold watch, but I can't seem to put a dent in this guy...

Use Daze on him its his weakness this will give u time to buff up ur characters and he won´t hit u until u hit him. Remeber to put enfire on Light and Fang, then just debuff him with deprotect,deshell and imperil then just stagger him quick and go with tirless charge Com Com Med and he will go down in no time.


Do people even play that game online anymore? I was gonna' buy it when it came out, but decided against it because I can't imagine playing an RTS on a console o.O

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KylieDog said:
My PSN list was just wiped of a LOT of names. Some names deleted I wasn't sure who they were so if was anyone in the league there are no hard feelings I just didn't recognise your PSN name.

I am going to go in a corner in cry now lol

On another note i sent back Dark Void. I got to the prison escape level and encounetered a glitch that wouldnt let me progress (game would freeze for about 3 seconds as I approached a door then come back. the door was supposed to open but wouldnt) didnt fell like doing it over again so sent it back

:O I`m busy collecting trophies right now :O 2 bad I can`t enter because of my low post count :P

Dang I dropped a spot. I hardly played any games last week and also this week as well. Meant to be playing Bioshock 2 but I just can't get into it like the first one for some reason.

PS4/PS3/PC/3DS Owner (Will buy a Switch when mainline Pokemon game is released)

Dirtybynature said:
Dang I dropped a spot. I hardly played any games last week and also this week as well. Meant to be playing Bioshock 2 but I just can't get into it like the first one for some reason.

If I were Arcturus I'd drop you 20 spots for your Justin Bieber avatar. Sorry.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes