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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

fadetoone said:
I really was joking the other day when I said at the rate I was going I would max out my crystarium before I got my 2nd trapezohedron... but, now I'm past role level 3 on the last role for all my dudes. Yeah.

I've taken down an adamantoise in one minute and 43 seconds. I've been fighting them since I was barely into my 4th roles. Trapz? 1.

Whoever designs this "1% drop rate" shit should be shot.


You using the Connoisseur Catalog, without using the Collector's Catalog, and 5 starring every fight? Your odds should be about 5% then.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

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You guys know any PSN games with platinums ? (Except WipeOut HD and Trine)

GodOfWar_3ever said:
You guys know any PSN games with platinums ? (Except WipeOut HD and Trine)

Call of Duty Classic, Section 8, Battle Fantasia, and Anarchy: Rush Hour.

chenguo4 said: 

You using the Connoisseur Catalog, without using the Collector's Catalog, and 5 starring every fight? Your odds should be about 5% then.

Does that help?  I've been using it to increase the plat ingot drop rate too, but I suddenly see the logic that that could interfere with the trapz drop rate assuming it could only drop one thing at a time.  My assumption was that it just raised both rates.

Plus I think you're the first person to mention such a thing, so that would be news to me if it were true.

KylieDog said: 

How many you killed?  I was planning to do the dismantle method for extras but ended up having many spare with the ingot farming..

 At this juncture, I will say too many to have only 1 trapz to show for it.  I don't know how many CP is required to fill all 3 secondary roles for a character... but take that and divide 80,000.

loking at the release of games in next few days i havent seen such a strong line up for the summer :) i don't no what to buy as to many choices epsecially as modnation and red dead are released tomorrow :)

@hideok congrats :) my struggle continues to reach that promised land and join the 2.0 club lol
only have ff 13 that may push me but i really can't get into it :(

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fadetoone said:
chenguo4 said: 

You using the Connoisseur Catalog, without using the Collector's Catalog, and 5 starring every fight? Your odds should be about 5% then.

Does that help?  I've been using it to increase the plat ingot drop rate too, but I suddenly see the logic that that could interfere with the trapz drop rate assuming it could only drop one thing at a time.  My assumption was that it just raised both rates.

Plus I think you're the first person to mention such a thing, so that would be news to me if it were true.

I just read a debate on this at ps3trophies and I think the end result was that it shouldn't have a difference with rare drops but some people felt like they did (perhaps coincidence).

Buy hey, my luck can't be more shitty, so maybe I'll try it.

fadetoone said:
I really was joking the other day when I said at the rate I was going I would max out my crystarium before I got my 2nd trapezohedron... but, now I'm past role level 3 on the last role for all my dudes. Yeah.

I've taken down an adamantoise in one minute and 43 seconds. I've been fighting them since I was barely into my 4th roles. Trapz? 1.

Whoever designs this "1% drop rate" shit should be shot.

Heh, I know the feeling, but with White Knight Chronicles. There are plenty of items I need that only have a 0.5/1% drop rate. There's someone on a trophies site that went and tried to do 200+ runs of a single quest to get one item to synthesize one longsword (not sure if he got the item yet).

badgenome said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
You guys know any PSN games with platinums ? (Except WipeOut HD and Trine)

Call of Duty Classic, Section 8, Battle Fantasia, and Anarchy: Rush Hour.

I suppose the other games are pretty mediocre...

But how hard is CoD classic to plat ?

PS : I've never played a CoD before.

MasterVG71782 said:
fadetoone said:
I really was joking the other day when I said at the rate I was going I would max out my crystarium before I got my 2nd trapezohedron... but, now I'm past role level 3 on the last role for all my dudes. Yeah.

I've taken down an adamantoise in one minute and 43 seconds. I've been fighting them since I was barely into my 4th roles. Trapz? 1.

Whoever designs this "1% drop rate" shit should be shot.

Heh, I know the feeling, but with White Knight Chronicles. There are plenty of items I need that only have a 0.5/1% drop rate. There's someone on a trophies site that went and tried to do 200+ runs of a single quest to get one item to synthesize one longsword (not sure if he got the item yet).

Yeah, at least in FF12 there wasn't a lot of stuff you actually needed to get dropped.  There were those retarded treasure chests that had whacktastically random 0.1% drop rates but they weren't really necessary to do anything.

And in FF11, the drop rates for items you needed was one of the reasons I got so bored of it.  "To get to level 50 you need to collect these rare items that only drop 1% from some rare enemy that only shows up twice a day so other parties will camp it and fight it first and then if your party actually gets the item, you have to cast lots to win the item and blah blah blah..."  Jesus Horatio Fucking Christ Batman.

GodOfWar_3ever said:
badgenome said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
You guys know any PSN games with platinums ? (Except WipeOut HD and Trine)

Call of Duty Classic, Section 8, Battle Fantasia, and Anarchy: Rush Hour.

I suppose the other games are pretty mediocre...

But how hard is CoD classic to plat ?

PS : I've never played a CoD before.

Not sure, but I've heard it's pretty challenging.

Battle Fantasia rules if you like 2D fighters. It'd be pretty hard to plat, though, and would be dependent on if the online is still alive (it probably isn't).