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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

KylieDog said:
Oops forgot to sync my trophies in time for update (but still got on busiest members?), got GoW plat sometime in the last few days. Oh well, expect 2 plats by next update, maybe 3, 4 or even 5 depending how things go. I'm on the edge of a few plus got GoW2 to play, looks even easier than GoW1.

GoW 3 is marginally harder though, since you have to beat it in Hard mode and all...

Thank god they didn't have trophies for beating it in very hard though...they're insane.


Around the Network

could it be that you deleted some people ?
because it seems everyone went some places up

btw first time for me to appear in this list :D

mr_capello said:
could it be that you deleted some people ?
because it seems everyone went some places up

btw first time for me to appear in this list :D

Yes, about 5 or 6 people were removed from the league this week. I forgot to mention this when I posted the update last night.

They were removed for one of the following reasons:
- perma banned from this site
- hadn't posted/logged into this site in 6+ months
- hadn't earned a trophy in 20-25+ weeks
- hadn't logged into PSN in 3+ months

Damm haven´t got a single trophy for 2-3 weeks i think.


I don´t think u have mentioned it before but i think its a nice feature.

Great works as usual.


Im in the top 10!!!!!! Yes!!!!

Id like to thank Sony for making the PS3 and this site for contributing to my obsessive compulsive behavior (special mention to Jboy's contagious trophy whoriness )

Thanks Arcturus.

PS - I returned Heavy Rain to the store. Really, really not my kind of game. I played for a few hours. Some parts of the story were good, most were incredibly boring.

An entire game of QTE is not my idea of fun.

I do admit I want to find out who the Origami Killer is, but I will just look for some videos online.

So, if you enjoyed it - good for you. I really didnt.

PS2 - I never want to press X for Jason ever again.

Around the Network
marciosmg said:
Im in the top 10!!!!!! Yes!!!!

Id like to thank Sony for making the PS3 and this site for contributing to my obsessive compulsive behavior (special mention to Jboy's contagious trophy whoriness )

Thanks Arcturus.

PS - I returned Heavy Rain to the store. Really, really not my kind of game. I played for a few hours. Some parts of the story were good, most were incredibly boring.

An entire game of QTE is not my idea of fun.

I do admit I want to find out who the Origami Killer is, but I will just look for some videos online.

So, if you enjoyed it - good for you. I really didnt.

PS2 - I never want to press X for Jason ever again.

Shake that inhaler!

Arcturus said:
mr_capello said:
could it be that you deleted some people ?
because it seems everyone went some places up

btw first time for me to appear in this list :D

Yes, about 5 or 6 people were removed from the league this week. I forgot to mention this when I posted the update last night.

They were removed for one of the following reasons:
- perma banned from this site
- hadn't posted/logged into this site in 6+ months
- hadn't earned a trophy in 20-25+ weeks
- hadn't logged into PSN in 3+ months

I was confused when I looked at the list and I had gone up 2 spots while I haven't gotten any trophies in over two weeks. 

Get your Portable ID!

End of 2009 sales predictions:

PS3 - 33 Million     360 - 40 Million    Wii - 75 Million

HAHA. Press "X" to jason was so funny.
Yeah I guess quicktime events aren't for everyone. If all of my games were like that I would be bored so fast, but I thought it was a nice change of pace from the norm and to me the story in Heavy Rain was excellent. I'm actually quite sick of First Person Shooters, but I always give them a chance and still end up liking them. Definitely looking forward to COD: Black Ops and Crysis 2.

Although FPS games don't hold my attention for months and months at a time as they used to. Call of Duty 4 I played for about 7 months straight, thats the longest I've been held by a single FPS game in a while. Before that Counter Strike & Unreal Tournament I played for many, many years.

I'm finally up to a 2.0 platinum difficulty average. Woot!!

I really was joking the other day when I said at the rate I was going I would max out my crystarium before I got my 2nd trapezohedron... but, now I'm past role level 3 on the last role for all my dudes. Yeah.

I've taken down an adamantoise in one minute and 43 seconds. I've been fighting them since I was barely into my 4th roles. Trapz? 1.

Whoever designs this "1% drop rate" shit should be shot.