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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

What do you get for "completing" a challenge? Seems like there's no incentive.

My personal feeling is that if I were to accept a challenge, I was going to play the game anyway, and otherwise I would just say "screw off."

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@ fadetoone: My first thought would be to maintain a list of who has completed what challenge. I know, not much incentive there. If Challenges were to become popular enough, I could have a separate leaderboard for the people who complete the most challenges.

@HideoK: Have you given any more thought to your idea? Can you think of some way to entice the issuing, accepting, and completing of challenges?

KylieDog said:
Well I only play games I enjoy and in 99% of cases if someone challenges me a game I've yet to plat but don't want to play I'm not going to. Ever.

^ Exactly.  And if it's a game worth challenging over, I probably won't want to put forth the effort in the first place.  No one's going to challenge someone to plat Uncharted.

There are very few games I have played and not platted that many others have platted.
The only exception would be LBP and Madden 10..
Pretty much every other game I played and didn't plat, at most 1 or 2 players in this league have platted, sometime none ( Far Cry 2, Warhawk, FEAR 2)...

So I would up for the challenge, because almost noone can challenge me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just checking at random I picked Hideok.

he can challenge me on LBP and that's it.( well Batman too but am platting the game this week anyway)

I could challenge him on :

- Alone in the Dark

- Mirror's Edge

- NBA09 The Inside

-  Resistance 2


Even better with Mattbfg ( slacker!)

He can challenge me on Batman ( and not for long !)

I can challenge him on :

- Bayonetta

- Dragon Age

- Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2

- Mirror Edge

- R&C : A crack in time

- Sacred 2


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Well Im two trophies away from my Gow3 plat just need hitman & a secret one

And if i remember correctly i thought the other Gows were harder to find the collectibles & this one was really easy but i haven't played a Gow in a couple years so its hard to say

I guess trophies have enhanced my searching skills :P

Around the Network

I say rentals destroy the challenge system. I never rent and never sell my games, but I imagine for you people at the top of the league, it's not fiscally feasible for the average gamer to buy games at the rate you guys are consuming them.

I dont know how many people rent / trade in, just saying those people would have a harder time fulfilling challenges.

And personally, I proudly plat most games I buy. The only game I have that I dont plan on platting is Resistance 2.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

chenguo4 said:
I say rentals destroy the challenge system. I never rent and never sell my games, but I imagine for you people at the top of the league, it's not fiscally feasible for the average gamer to buy games at the rate you guys are consuming them.

I dont know how many people rent / trade in, just saying those people would have a harder time fulfilling challenges.

And personally, I proudly plat most games I buy. The only game I have that I dont plan on platting is Resistance 2.

U keep all ur games, personally if a game is just collecting dust i sell it at once or trade it in.


Tbone said:
chenguo4 said:
I say rentals destroy the challenge system. I never rent and never sell my games, but I imagine for you people at the top of the league, it's not fiscally feasible for the average gamer to buy games at the rate you guys are consuming them.

I dont know how many people rent / trade in, just saying those people would have a harder time fulfilling challenges.

And personally, I proudly plat most games I buy. The only game I have that I dont plan on platting is Resistance 2.

U keep all ur games, personally if a game is just collecting dust i sell it at once or trade it in.

I keep mine on the chance I'll want to play them again, and because trade in values are absolute shit.

I haven't traded back a game since I bought State of Emergency back when it came out on the PS2. It's probably one of the reasons why I now ow like 500+ games, but I don't see the point of trading games in if I ever feel like I would play them again down the line (I traded in a bunch of NES, SNES and Genesis stuff way back in the day and regret it).

MasterVG71782 said:
I haven't traded back a game since I bought State of Emergency back when it came out on the PS2. It's probably one of the reasons why I now ow like 500+ games, but I don't see the point of trading games in if I ever feel like I would play them again down the line (I traded in a bunch of NES, SNES and Genesis stuff way back in the day and regret it).

Wow over 500 games. I rarely keep any game for a long time if i know that i won´t play the game again i try and sell worst case i trade it in.