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There are very few games I have played and not platted that many others have platted.
The only exception would be LBP and Madden 10..
Pretty much every other game I played and didn't plat, at most 1 or 2 players in this league have platted, sometime none ( Far Cry 2, Warhawk, FEAR 2)...

So I would up for the challenge, because almost noone can challenge me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just checking at random I picked Hideok.

he can challenge me on LBP and that's it.( well Batman too but am platting the game this week anyway)

I could challenge him on :

- Alone in the Dark

- Mirror's Edge

- NBA09 The Inside

-  Resistance 2


Even better with Mattbfg ( slacker!)

He can challenge me on Batman ( and not for long !)

I can challenge him on :

- Bayonetta

- Dragon Age

- Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2

- Mirror Edge

- R&C : A crack in time

- Sacred 2


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !