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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Ail said:
Tbone said:
Ail said:
Gotta love all the people voting Resistance 2 10k kills as most time consuming trophy ever...
That or GTA4 Wanted. Those trophies are not long ............

Its really different at this time because not many play it. I got that trophy in 2 weeks.

2 weeks is fast...

Try getting General in Warhawk in 1 year playing 6h a day..

I know thats what i meant, when the game released alot of people was playing online now its probably dead.

I think i skip Warhawk


Around the Network
marciosmg said:
Took me 71 hours. The game wasnt that hard, but it was long.

Im the first here to get the plat right? I think this game deserves 2 or 3 stars. I would accept 2 no problem.

Congratz, yes u are the first. It could be a 3 star plat consider u have to beat it in Hardcore and it takes atleast 50 hours

Btw: the trophy icons are ugly all look the same.


Thanks Tbone. If I had played on a lower difficulty first, it would have taken me another 7-10 hours for the plat.

Playing on Hardcore, I did die quite a lot (specially in the beginning cause of the under powered weapons) but there is no penalty for dying and the checkpoint system in missions was ok.

So, I leave it up to Arcturus to decide if this should be 2 or 3 stars.

WKC for $29.99. Given the 500 hours things though, I think I can easily wait for $10.

^Going for the plat?

Around the Network
KylieDog said:

So was playing Wolfenstein multiplayer earlier, Saturday night, peak hours....7 people are online. The multiplayer trophies sure to be fun.

I hated that game so bad. I wish i could get its 4% of my trophy list. When i was playing thee was  total of 5 the community must be growing? Lol

KylieDog said:
gurglesletch said:
KylieDog said:

So was playing Wolfenstein multiplayer earlier, Saturday night, peak hours....7 people are online. The multiplayer trophies sure to be fun.

I hated that game so bad. I wish i could get its 4% of my trophy list. When i was playing thee was  total of 5 the community must be growing? Lol


4%?  You must have not even finished the single player campaign?  I like the single player personally though there are way way WAY too many collectables you need to find.

The game just never connected to me and i agree with the collectables. I personally hated how after every mission you would have to kill like 30 people in the street just to go to a different part of the city.

Got plat on Gow1 and that means plat on all Gow games

Got Lost in nightmare trophys aswell. After completed Desperate escape it will be alot more difficult than Lost in nightmare.



Thx i'll keep that in mind.

Dead to rights trophy list

Skate 3


@ HideoK: I know I'm a bit late in responding but, I like your idea of challenging other league members to complete games to platinum. I think it would add an extra element to the trophy league. I do see a couple of issues though, some of which you and others have mentioned.
- people's ranks can change from week to week and you may not be directly above or directly below the same person during the process of a challenge.
- some people in the league don't visit this thread very often (or at all) and therefore won't see challenges or accept challenges issued to them from other members. Therefore, some people who visit this thread won't have the opportunity to issue or receive challenges.

If others are interested, I don't mind keeping track and posting things like challenges issued, challenges accepted, and challenges completed. If you're interested, I may ask you HideoK to manage the Challenges. You could then message them to me to post in the weekly update. Or, you could even start posting them yourself on a weekly basis.

Just throwing out some ideas if you're interested.