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@ HideoK: I know I'm a bit late in responding but, I like your idea of challenging other league members to complete games to platinum. I think it would add an extra element to the trophy league. I do see a couple of issues though, some of which you and others have mentioned.
- people's ranks can change from week to week and you may not be directly above or directly below the same person during the process of a challenge.
- some people in the league don't visit this thread very often (or at all) and therefore won't see challenges or accept challenges issued to them from other members. Therefore, some people who visit this thread won't have the opportunity to issue or receive challenges.

If others are interested, I don't mind keeping track and posting things like challenges issued, challenges accepted, and challenges completed. If you're interested, I may ask you HideoK to manage the Challenges. You could then message them to me to post in the weekly update. Or, you could even start posting them yourself on a weekly basis.

Just throwing out some ideas if you're interested.