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Forums - Sony Discussion - Insomniac: Resistance 2 Is "Just About Finished"




"The game is just about finished as I write this. Yet the three to four weeks before we deliver a final disc to the factory are always the most difficult. This is when we're fixing bugs, adding tons of polish, making tuning tweaks, and trying to keep our builds stable for the testing team. What's great is that all of our features are in, and the game is looking, sounding, and playing fantastic. Resistance 2 has become everything we hoped it would be."


niceee,,,insomniac is always on time.





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Insomniac are killer devs, since 2002 they release a AAA game every year (and before that it was either 1 or 2 years), and the working environment is really cool, if i was more trained in game dev i would apply for a position there... Sony have to keep them on their good side...

Yeah, I read somewhere that these guys had never missed their deadlines.


Can't wait. It's been a long time since I've killed an alien. In fact, I've never killed one in a video game.

They have never delayed a game, I love insomniac.


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insomniac are ps3's best developer





I <3 insomniac lol seriously they are quickly becoming one of my favorite developers. Last gen I was a huge fan of Naughty Dog and the Jak series, however this gen I have tilted more in favor of insomniac. (of course this could all change if they ever officially anounced Jak 4)

thats why insomniac are one of the best devs about

Insomniac is a beast of a developer. Always making great games, I cant wait for Resistance 2!


Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

PSN ID: smj1860

Oh insomniac how we love you.