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Forums - General Discussion - Apple iPhone 3G or Sony Playstation 3?

Jo21 said:
Sam Yikin said:
Soriku said:

LOL! More like DS > PSP > iPhone.


For games. Overall the iPhone is a MUCH better device.


wtf, the iphone doens't have buttons either games.

show me a one AAA title on the iphone.


I was agreeing with Soriku that games are better on the PSP and DS.

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zexen_lowe said:
Jo21 said:
Sam Yikin said:
Soriku said:

LOL! More like DS > PSP > iPhone.


For games. Overall the iPhone is a MUCH better device.


wtf, the iphone doens't have buttons either games.

show me a one AAA title on the iphone.


That's why he said the iPhone was better on anything except games

I still don't agree, and no one has showed any proof of why the iPhone is better than the almost equal and less costly iPod Touch

A lot the time when people say iPhone, they mean the iPod touch as well.

Cougarman said:

i would go for PS3, i have sony ericsson W810i its about 2 years old now, my friends already upgraded to better phones and always mock me for having ancient phone but you know what?, F**k them, if it still works fine and does its main function fine then you dont need a new phone, buy a ps3

Bam, right in the kisser.


Boy do I feel the urge to block a gif right now.

DMeisterJ said:
Okay, this is not an iPhone discussion thread, I already know it's awesome. Make a new thread for that.

This is about whether I should get an iPhone or a PS3.

PS3 is much more valuable, trust me, when it comes down to it the iPhone is just a phone. Sure it's cool to show off to your friends but unless your a business person or someone who really needs to check their email all the time it's not needed and you'll find yourself regretting you bought it.


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Everybody saying there's better phones out there/its just a phone/ etc needs to take a good look at the app store before forming an opinion.

Sam Yikin said:
Everybody saying there's better phones out there/its just a phone/ etc needs to take a good look at the app store before forming an opinion.


I'm not saying that there are better phones (maybe there are, maybe not) . I'm saying that the iPod Touch is a lot better. The iPhone is an iPod Touch with a phone and an expensive monthly fee. It's cheaper to get the iPod Touch and any random cellphone

zexen_lowe said:
Sam Yikin said:
Everybody saying there's better phones out there/its just a phone/ etc needs to take a good look at the app store before forming an opinion.


I'm not saying that there are better phones (maybe there are, maybe not) . I'm saying that the iPod Touch is a lot better. The iPhone is an iPod Touch with a phone and an expensive monthly fee. It's cheaper to get the iPod Touch and any random cellphone


I wasn't specifically talking to you with that comment, and I actually agree with you. I guess somepeople just prefer everything in one package.

i think he already sign the contract.

new sig.

PS3 You can do more with 3g its just a phone.

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