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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom, maybe we should see other people ...

Capcom, all these years you were my favorite developer. I have enjoyed your games every generation. There were some disappointments and shortcomings (Megaman X4, Breath of Fire DQ, Resident Evil 3, Devil May Cry 2), but I always loved you the most. Things changed this generation. My heart doesn`t beat faster like it used to. Your multiconsole strategy so far is about delivering mediocre games on all platforms. Not only the quality of the games dropped, the amount of games announced also dropped. Your self destructive actitude hurt people close to you, people that loved you, like Mikami and Clover staff. You also forgot what made you special and unique in the first place. Seeking a casual market or changing your games for online multiplayer is not the way.

It isn`t me Capcom, it is you! I wish you all the sucess in the world, but I am afraid we must part ways. If you ever get your shit together, please call me. That special place in my heart will always be vacant.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

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Oh the irony!

ItsaMii: It's not me ...

Dear Capcom

You've developed most of my favourite Wii games so far.

That is all.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

i think it's a smart decision to have games multiplatform even if you do not like it!


Are you trolling or is this a brilliantly concealed trap for the unwary. You seem to be attacking Capcom for giving preferential treatment to the high definition consoles. While giving the Wii demographic what it apparently wants. Hell Capcom is reintroducing its old properties into a new generation. Bionic Commando, Mega Man, and Street Fighter.

You cannot be serious especially given your love for the Wii, and the fact that Capcom was the only company to bring a decent first person shooter to market the consoles first year. They also gave you Zack and Wiki, plus Umbrella Chronicles. What is there not for you to love. I think your bitter that the Wii is not getting the good love you want, and by all means you know what you have to do about that. Pick up a high definition console for good Capcom gaming.

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You can say all you want but as soon as they drop a version of Street Fighter or a Resident Evil Version... you'll call them back. You'll be just like John Cusak in High Fidelity... making mix tapes.

Don't be a Hater, too many of them around. Don't look down on poor old Capcom, and don't look down on me just because my post is just below yours.

Capcom's Strategy is "NOT taking advantage of the 2 most profitable platforms".

Dodece said:

Are you trolling or is this a brilliantly concealed trap for the unwary. You seem to be attacking Capcom for giving preferential treatment to the high definition consoles. While giving the Wii demographic what it apparently wants. Hell Capcom is reintroducing its old properties into a new generation. Bionic Commando, Mega Man, and Street Fighter.

You cannot be serious especially given your love for the Wii, and the fact that Capcom was the only company to bring a decent first person shooter to market the consoles first year. They also gave you Zack and Wiki, plus Umbrella Chronicles. What is there not for you to love. I think your bitter that the Wii is not getting the good love you want, and by all means you know what you have to do about that. Pick up a high definition console for good Capcom gaming.


Not everyone can afford Multiple Systems. We all aren't rich. So I don't think the Post is petty or bitter.

Oh boy, yet another company that wiifans cry about.

lol wut?

Capcom is bringing retro console gaming back baby! Just look at all their old IPs being revived recently (1942, Bionic Commando, etc.). When a company does this, it simply reminds me of Nintendo and what they're doing with Mario and friends: it only equals QUALITY. I don't know which Capcom game you've played recently that didn't fill your needs...

Also, we're seeing Capcom trying to develop a community of gamers here in North America, which is really rare for a Japanese developer in the first place. Listening at the Bionic Commando podcast and many various videos, it tells me that they care about their customers. Remember that Okami box art FAIL with the IGN watermark? I think that shows exactly what I'm saying here.

Sorry man, but Capcom (just like Konami) are legends... It's like hating on Nintendo for changing the whole gaming world!

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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