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Forums - Sony Discussion - How do you get your iPod to work with your PS3?

I'm trying to get my iPod to play off of my PS3 but I'm having some trouble.  I plug it in and every place I look says the PS3 should just recognize it but my iPod isn't even showing up.

Anyone know how to get this to work or why my iPod isn't showing up?  I have a fairly new iPod (about a year old) and it's one of those video ones.

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Ah nuts, figured it out. Apparently the cable I have at home is a charge only cable. That's pretty silly to have a charge only cable. -_-

apple sucks with its ipod products. i have had so many problems from:
ram not functioning correctly
internet shutting off
vista sidebar turning off
erasing memory cards
double copying songs on the ipod that never allow me to erase them
not charging
cannot sync with other computers unless delete songlist, which is no deterrent to theft if you ask me.
cannot upload sometimes
on and on and on and on

honetly if something is wrong in my computer or electronic, i remove any type of ipod elated thing from the area and processes and everything then's so wierd...

Well if your Ipod is formatted for a Mac (HFS) it probably won't show up.. if it's formatted for windows FAT32 it will...

@theprof00: it's just u...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
Well if your Ipod is formatted for a Mac (HFS) it probably won't show up.. if it's formatted for windows FAT32 it will...

@theprof00: it's just u...

look up ipod "mystery problems" on google. then keep telling those people it's just them


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Alright, random iPod and Apple product problems aside, it recognizes my iPod (found the right cable) but I don't see any music.

How do I get it to see my music?

its a mystery problem....

go to ipod device, then display all after hitting triangle i think, then cpush right on music, then all the folders are unnamed i think thats it.

Well that's annoying. If I tell it to play does it only play music from the F folder I selected?

I've actually tried to do this, but when I connect my iPod to the PS3 I get unlabeled files. So it becomes a guessing game when I actually want to play anything. The best thing I could figure out was to use an external hard drive formatted for FAT32. You just put all the music in a folder named MUSIC in the root directory. subfolders do seem t work.

But if you find a way to get your iPod to play, let me know. I'd like to be able to do it too!

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