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Forums - Gaming Discussion - KH3, What Do You Want To See?

I would love to see a world based off the studio ghibli material. Disney owns the rights to them correct? I'd love to see a world from any of those classics. While I don't think any would make a bad world i would love to see one based off of princess mononoke or howl's moving castle.

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Couple of things:

- More forgotten characters (Darkwing duck FTW!)

- More elaborate disney locations to explore (I didn't like certain towns in KH2 that were just moving between 2 or 3 places)

- Pixar! which would hopefully mean a HD console gets this game

- More explanation about Kingdom Hearts. One thing that annoyed me about KH2 was that rather then explain further the mythos of the world and Kingdom Hearts itself, they just added more confusing elements (organisation XIII).

- If they are going to introduce a crap load of new characters, at least give them decent backstories so we care about them. Outside of Roxas, Xenmas, Axel and Marluxia, did anyone really care about/take notice of the others?

- Less emphasis on reaction commands and button mashing, instead actually forcing the player to use magic/summons in order to defeat bosses.

- Less fanservice that made no sense to KH (i.e dual keyblade wielding... the freakin keyblade is supposed to be the generic blade that changes form when a new keychain is attached to it, it's as if they completely forgot that in the second game)

I wanna see it get announced

-An actual reason to use magic besides Cure
-Kingdom Hearts 1 style chests
-Pixar worlds
-Final Fantasy summons
-Final Fantasy VI, IX and XII characters
-Next generation graphics

Personally, I'm tired of the Disney characters. If I were the president of Square, I'd make a deal with Warner and get the Looney Tunes characters in. The stories would be at least funny and not that lame.

What are you looking at, nerd?
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less disney
more info, there are things they left in blank still.
more action, seriously boss fights were incredible last time.

but it made too easy.

only sephiroth wasn't a weak opponent

I want to see some Disney characters interacting with Square characters in an Action RPG game.

Honestly, I would like to see more duo/trio combos. Characters in the party interacting with each other in battle with special moves and summons.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I want to see it on the PS3.

I want to see it on the Wii

More refined combat/combo system
More fan service
Variety and specific skills among different classes
Drop in/out co-op
Main series PS3 or xbox360
Side story on Wii