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Forums - Gaming Discussion - you prefer turn based battles or real time?

I also liked FFX's system with the turn portraits. Have you played Ar tonelico, which borrows some aspects of FFX's system (including that one), but adds some other interesting twists?

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

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What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

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Millennium said:

I also liked FFX's system with the turn portraits. Have you played Ar tonelico, which borrows some aspects of FFX's system (including that one), but adds some other interesting twists?

Never heard of it... it's on what system?


Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
Millennium said:

I also liked FFX's system with the turn portraits. Have you played Ar tonelico, which borrows some aspects of FFX's system (including that one), but adds some other interesting twists?

Never heard of it... it's on what system?


PS2. It's published by Atlus/NIS, so the first print run was small, but they gave it a second print run recently, so it shouldn't be as hard to find. The second print run also comes with a bonus soundtrack, which is nice because the music in this game is godly.

That said, don't try playing it on a PS3. There are data-corruption issues with game saves.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Turn based.


turn based

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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I definitely prefer turn-based but maybe that's because it's hard to implement a really good real-time battle system into a jrpg?
I just haven't found a game yet with real-time battles that makes it as hard and satisfying to beat bosses as in old school turn-based rpg's.
Have to say though the newer turn-based ones are also not giving me my endorphines like they used to...

Turn based .... I was pretty annoyed with the combat system in ffxii.


Turn Based. A few years ago, I would have said that real-time sucked. Now, after playing several of them, like Star Ocean and Kingdom Hearts II, I've finally found a liking for them, but I still prefer turn-based more

i prefur stuff like Fire Emblem to both but Real time like Tales of Symphonia is better than Final Fantasy.
Although all 3 are ok systems
