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Forums - Gaming Discussion - you prefer turn based battles or real time?

real-time if done right. Example I use is Secret of Mana

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I like the turn-based "active" system from Final Fantasy VI. Make that faster and it'd be perfect.


Well it depends

If a game is Turn-Based, I expect a great story and the rest of the game to be very good.

Then you also have Turn-Based games that are more "active" and quicker paced, like Final Fantasy XII.

If it is an Action RPG, I'll forgive shortcomings in other areas a bit more since the battle system is generally more fun.

Then you also have games like Star Ocean and Tales Of that have random battles but an Action style of fighting

I like them all...

real time

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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JGarret said:

I prefer real time a lot more.


 Depends. If I want to challenge myself a little then I use turn based battles. If I want to a little bit of true to life action hands on approach, i'll go real time.

turn based

ZenfoldorVGI said:

Honestly, I like both, and don't really have a favorite. I can play a game like FFX and FFVII, which are turn based, but I also love games like TWEWY, Star Ocean, and Tales, which have real time battle systems.

I feel the battle system's type is less important than many other aspects of the game.

...and imo FFXII was great.



I think it is fair to say that FFXII overtook FFVIII as the most polarizing of all the Final Fantasy games.