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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Name the 3 console games which you believe have the BEST graphics.

Gears Of war
Fight Night Round 3

Far Cry 2
Killzone 2
Heavy Rain

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1 Ikaruga
2 Chrono Trigger
3 Shadow of the Colossus

runner ups: Jet Set Radio, Okami, Street Fighter 3, NiGHTS

Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (GCN)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)

This gen

Virtua Fighter 5 -Xbox 360

Eternal Sonata -Xbox 360

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 -Xbox 360

All time

NiGHTS into Dreams -Sega Saturn

Soul Calibur 1 -Sega Dreamcast

Zelda:OOT -Nintendo 64

1 GT5P
2 Heavenly Sword
3 Gears/MGS4


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Hmm, If we're going by overall, I'd say:

3. COD4
2. Bioshock
1. MGS4

By art-style, I'd say:

3. Yoshi's Island
2. Rez
1. Okami

And by sheer technical achievement for it's time/platform, I'd go with:

3. Yoshi's Island
2. Shenmue
1. Kirby's Adventure (still can't believe it was for the NES)

disgaea 3 hands down!





MGS4 (PS3)
Uncharted (PS3)
GT5: Prologue (PS3)

(I dont have a 360, so I cant say what looks good on that system)

MGS4 - The game would sometimes go from "cutscene" to gameplay and I wouldn't even realize it, so I would stand there not doing anything because I thought there was more

GTA4 - racing through a city at 100 mph never looked so good

Super Mario Galaxy - Right from the get go the graphics pulled me in

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League