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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which series is better: Zelda, Ressistace fall of man, or halo?

I'm not exactly sure how you can compare Zelda to Resistance and Halo. Zelda is great in its own way, but Resistance and Halo are good in different ways. Out of all three of them, I'd take Resistance, but only because I can't play the other two games on my PS3. =D

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Sephiroth357 said:
BottledSpringWater said:
What? Resistance? Really?
Why is that game even beside some of the greats?


 Resistance would be called great according to how many PS3 have been sold. Correct?


So what does that make Wii Sports?

Going on quality, if you're a huge FPS fan then maybe Halo could be mentioned in the same breath as Zelda, but Resistance, regardless of quality is only one game and doesn't yet belong.

zelda easy, anyone remember ocarina of time? : )

Respect for compans: SONY > NINTENDO >>>>>>>>>> MICROSOFT


Chrizum said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
Sephiroth357 said:

Aren't we going with trends?After all, Most Nintendo fans do. Correct? Maybe you should go look at the definition of average again.

It's a horrible console and it outsells the ones that have good games on them.

So than you admit the PS3 and 360 are better?



I'm not a Nintendo fan.

And of course the PS3 and 360 are better, no doubt about that. Wii is a POS for a gaming console but decent as a toy. I'm going by the quality of the games. And Zelda is the best.


Back to trolling I see? See ya in a week man.

It's not trolling, that's how I feel about the Wii. It's no different than if I said it's a great console. That's the problem with this site. Not likeing something seems to=banable offence around here.


I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Sephiroth357 said:
NiKKoM said:
Sephiroth357 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Zelda. This isn't a fair comparison. I mark this as a question that should never have been asked. It's like asking, "Which car gets more women, a Ford Escort or a Dodge Viper?"


 Your right. Halo is in a total different league from Zelda and Resistance.


... in the Minor league?? While Resistance is in the Rookie League? And Zelda in the Major?

OT: Zelda!

I'm Pro sony on the consoles, and I'll admit Halo wipes the floor off of both games. Sales could prove it aswell.



Umm, not exactly.  Maybe (accroding to this site) the best selling Halo game (Halo 2), has sold more than the best selling Zelda game (Ocarina of Time), but that's not "wiping the floor," as it's not by that much.  Plus Zelda has a lot more games so if you add up total sales from both series Zelda "wipes the floor off of both games."


As of for my opinion, I'm definitely going to have to go with Zelda.  I don't even think that's a fair comparison.  That's like comparing Haze, Ratchet and Clank, and Final Fantasy.



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^I vote for Haze.



"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


Sephiroth357, you overuse the word "wiping the floor with..." That implies that it wins by a landslide... which Halo doesn't do by any means even in terms of average sales. But while we are in the world of sales, you can say Mario "wipes the floor" with any series. In fact, the best selling game of all time is Super Mario Brothers and no games even comes that close to it (second being Tetris and that's by about 7 million)... although that's a bundled game so I guess that might be a bit unfair. So now, I'll go with the unbundled games, which goes to Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow.



Omega_Phazon_Pirate. said:
Sephiroth357 said:
NiKKoM said:
Sephiroth357 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Zelda. This isn't a fair comparison. I mark this as a question that should never have been asked. It's like asking, "Which car gets more women, a Ford Escort or a Dodge Viper?"


 Your right. Halo is in a total different league from Zelda and Resistance.


... in the Minor league?? While Resistance is in the Rookie League? And Zelda in the Major?

OT: Zelda!

I'm Pro sony on the consoles, and I'll admit Halo wipes the floor off of both games. Sales could prove it aswell.



Umm, not exactly.  Maybe (accroding to this site) the best selling Halo game (Halo 2), has sold more than the best selling Zelda game (Ocarina of Time), but that's not "wiping the floor," as it's not by that much.  Plus Zelda has a lot more games so if you add up total sales from both series Zelda "wipes the floor off of both games."


As of for my opinion, I'm definitely going to have to go with Zelda.  I don't even think that's a fair comparison.  That's like comparing Haze, Ratchet and Clank, and Final Fantasy.


Yea, should been resistance vs halo. there was a thread somewhere about it. But yea, Zelda is a much longer series and has more games in it. Zelda hands down. Zelda and Final Fantasy and probably the 2 best franchises based on having great plots in its general storyline.


Above I'm a proud Gran Turismo fan, not a Sony fanboy, and now a proud 360 owner, but sharing xbox live accts ATM

End of 2009 Predictions (made Jan 1, 2009): My predictions were pretty accurate, the 360 was over and the Wii was just under.

Wii: 65 mil (yea I'm crazy) 360: 35 mil (its getting there) PS3: 30 mil (the slim better do well)

End of 2010 Predictions (made Jan 7, 2010):

Wii: 81 mil  360: 47 mil PS3: 45 mil