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Forums - Gaming Discussion - killzone 2 beta video

i found this video of killzone 2 beta  his one lucky bastard

heres the link

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wow even looks nice in that crappy video

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Very interesting, i wonder how he has access to Killzone2 online considering the game is not even in the Beta stage as of Leipzig. Either he works for GG or some Sony developing studio. Unless i missed something and GG has started to pick high rated media or Killzone fans to play online with them.

Watta already, i wanna try it too.


Wow... What a lucky bastard...

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Looks awesome...I didn't know they were releasing betas for Killzone 2 though. But lucky him..I need my hands on this game ASAP!!!

I'm going to search around for Killzone for the PS2 at various game stores. So I can just get a feel for the game and the Killzone universe!

^I saw one here for $20 here, new... I'm a cunt for not buying it.

cool but only one game going on!!

looks awesome for a beta