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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Sheet music to Killer Instinct 3 makes the internet rounds

Sheet music to Killer Instinct 3 makes the internet rounds

Proof towards existence of the title?

Ah, Killer Instinct 3. For years, fans have clamored for the title. With every mention of it, our hopes rise, only for Loveday to continually shoot them down. As mentioned in the past, it’s Rare’s unintended version of the boy who cried wolf. Teasing as recent as Rare’s Christmas card plus the tour of Rare earlier this year with “Death! Destruction! Doom!” has only fueled the desire. What you’re about to see might not help things any more.

Recently, MundoRare was contacted by someone at Microsoft (whose privacy will be protected) and sent us this. Click on it for the full resolution.

As you can see at the very top, it’s labeled “Killer Instinct 3 -Main Title-” as it then goes into notes. Despite the first reaction in your heads being “Oh, here we go, Rare’s teasing us again”, there might be some form of legitimacy to this. A few months ago, EGM’s Quartermann reported rumblings of a Killer Instinct 3. Not only that, but Nick Burton slyly hinted on Rare’s future offerings possibly being both new and old IP.

Regardless, if the game is actually in development right now, what we’re going through at the moment is a hell of a pre-release promotion. MR will keep you updated as news breaks. In the meanwhile, musicians, why not play this yourself and confirm whether or not it actually sounds like KI, or if it’s music-speak for “You’re not ever getting this game?” Bonus points if you upload it on YouTube and you don’t sound crap.



I loved some damn Killer Instinct(SNES one, never played the 64 version).  Cannot wait.

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No one cares that Killer Instinct is coming to 360?

lol...I care very much....but I could make this myself. Can anyone here read music? does this sound like a killer instinct track?

Even if killer instinct 3 does not come out surely its time for the origional killer instinct to be released on XBLA, especially considering how well titles have been selling on there recently.........

the egm rumor was based on a prank rare pulled, pass on bullcrap.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

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disolitude said:
lol...I care very much....but I could make this myself. Can anyone here read music? does this sound like a killer instinct track?


LOL.  It never occured to me that this could be fake.  LOL.

I programmed it in to Guitar Pro 5 for distortion/overdriven guitar.

It's vastly inferior to what Killer Instinct on SNES/N64 was, but it does have a similar theme, and could indeed be from KI3.

It would seem, however, that the sheet music may be a rough pass, or have other instrumentation.

The sheet music's tempo seems a little too slow for what it should be...Speeding it up a little bit makes it close to KI.

The lead bit around bar 24-29 sounds very similar to KI.

If I had an electric guitar and mic nearby, I'd demo it, but it's not here. At any rate, it IS KI-esque, but very rough, as the notes aren't dynamic enough at the start to be a very good theme song.

Edit: At 100BPM, it's VERY VERY similar to the KI Arcade sound track. This is either:

a) A fan making a very evil joke.

b) KI3's actual sound track.

Upping the tempo, and playing it on my accoustic guitar (even) sounds very similar to the theme in the youtube video I posted.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

The music sheet could be at the development stage as well though i suppose, Just purely based on the fact that it sounds remotely familiar to the origional gives me hope that there really could be a killer instinct 3 in the works

I'd love to see a new KI game, I hope it isn't fake. But the question is, how is every 360 piece of news leaked? Except for the FF XIII annoucement we always know about the next step they'll take or the games they are working in. Does a net of moles exists inside MS? Well, we'll never know :P

Most likely to gauge consumer reaction...

Sony always announces their games years before they come out, Microsoft leaks them out a year or so before they come out. Same thing...Kinda.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.