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Forums - Gaming Discussion - There is no more RRoD people...try to understand.

After hearing all the fanboys talk about the 360 hardware,i`ve understood that they don`t know what`s inside of the 360,don`t know what is the RRoD and just like to talk about the 30-33% failure rate of the early consoles.

First of all,the RRoD happens when the GPU,from the heat,doesn`t stay on the motherboard and you get the RRoD. Very simple. In september 2007 Microsoft shrunk the CPU from 90 nm to 65 nm AND the GPU from 90 nm to 80 nm. This time,ATI,the company that made the GPU,was asked to make a special glue (epoxy resin) that keeps the GPU in place.

This was supposed to be done in the first place,but Microsoft went straight to TSMC (Taiwan semi-micro conducter Co.) and thanked ATI for it`s chip,but said it`s all good for now on,they don`t need ATI anymore. Why? Because the process would cost Microsoft some 50 million $ . They are a software company,not a hardware one. Now it`s a little too late,but is good that they have changed and realised that they have lost 1 billion $ on the RRoD problem.

Moving along to the 60 gb model,the difference with the Falcon is that the memory chips on the FRONT of the motherbord have doubled in sise,so there was no need for the bottom ram chips. This is great because of the ventilation and power usage. Also,the cooling is the same as the Falcon,wich is great.

In september 2008,the Jasper model will have the GPU shrunk from 80 nm to 65 nm,wich from what i know,has a lot less power consumption and heat. So if you are interested in a 360 this Xmass,go for it. Now is the time.

And i hope i have been very explicit.


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So there is no more RRoD? So when i hear a report of a case of RRoD its a lie?

Is this what you are saying?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

The big arguements this time last year were these...........

Sony fan: RROD RROD RROD blah blah blah

Microsoft fan: Playstation has no damn games......

Both these arguements are now rendered useless

So instead we argue about which has the best current games and the best upcoming games

And of course which online in best and which arcade section is better


I think the problem is that even if they made a system as invincible as the SNES in quality at this point they're never going to get out of the "unreliable piece of crap" mentality most people already have about the system.

colonelstubbs, your sig makes me sad :( Firefly should have never been canceled.

colonelstubbs said:
So there is no more RRoD? So when i hear a report of a case of RRoD its a lie?

Is this what you are saying?


 I`m saying that a Falcon will not RRoD,and the new Jasper will...again...not RRoD.

That`s what i`m saying. I also said to get one this Xmass,but you have read what you wanted to.

And Colonelstubbs... I know you love your i know is not important. You know that you ps3 blueray can give up on you,don`t you? There are plenty of complains on forums and youtube. So when i hear a report of a case of ps3 failure its a lie?

See? the blade cuts both ways. But keep your strong Microsoft hate in the Sony forums,please. Thank you.

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colonelstubbs said:
So there is no more RRoD? So when i hear a report of a case of RRoD its a lie?

Is this what you are saying?

Lol...I think they mean its reduced.


I have family members who work at EB Games and they say otherwise. I'll take the word of retail over PR any day. The RRoD still exists (albeit it occurs about half as much as it did before) and the machines still scratch discs for no forgivable reason.


The 360 will always suffer from RROD problems no matter how much they reduce the size of the chips. Sure, the rate's been falling, but there are still plenty of consoles out there which are RROD'ing like there's no tommorow, and this time next year, when Microsoft implements it's new 40nm GPU, it'll still RROD all over your face.

If the Red Rings of Death are completely gone, it could mean that they've stopped using the Red Rings to show that there is an error with the console.

If I'm not mistaken, the Red Rings could be any number of hardware issues, not just one specific thing (though a few problems might be more common than others).

Hippysnake said:

The 360 will always suffer from RROD problems no matter how much they reduce the size of the chips. Sure, the rate's been falling, but there are still plenty of consoles out there which are RROD'ing like there's no tommorow, and this time next year, when Microsoft implements it's new 40nm GPU, it'll still RROD all over your face.


Hmm.  I don't think I would mind that.