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Forums - PC Discussion - Fun & Free RTS: Galcon

I don't know if anyone has played this one yet....

But it brings back memories of the old school RTS games that consumed my life in the mid 90s. It's VERY primitive, very simple rules, but incredibly fun.

It's called Galcon, and the rules are simple. Each planet produces a # of ships per minute. When you start, neutral planets have randomly assigned values to capture them, as well as production values.

The game is 8 players, and is awesome on Multiplayer. Currently, InstantAction is supporting 3 free playes per day of Galcon - and free tutorial/practicing as long as you want.

You can find it at - My IA ID is PandaXpress.

I'd love to see some VGCers join, as I'm sure a few PC vets would like this.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Oh wow they added it to instantaction? I visit the site every few weeks to check up on stuff.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Hmmmm... this game is also available for the iPhone, I've been checking it but so far haven't purchased it 'cause I didn't know anything about the game. Maybe I'll give it a go now. If I do, I'll report back here with my impressions.

I've heard that Galcon on iPhone is pretty good...But I do believe it costs.

Whereas Galcon is free to play 3 times a day on IA, and has a pretty active MP community.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.