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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Top 10 best bosses.

by best bosses, i mean the most unique ones that gave you goosebumps when you faced them and the ones that gave you a totally unforgettable experience. take note that my list shows experiences brought through "naked" games, meaning playthroughs that didn't involve collecting all sorts of secret powers before confronting the bosses, thereby making em kinda easy. i faced these bosses in purely story driven circumstances, meaning to say i rushed in as fast as i can to advance the story, so i may have had a harder time on them than most people.

oh yeah, i only owned a SNES, GENESIS, PC, PS1, PS2, and PS3, so sadly my list is incomplete. post your lists as well for the best bosses you've ever faced!

(btw my best boss is the one below at #1 :P)


10.) Braska's Final Aeon (Final Fantasy 10) - understanding the whole sin-summoner-aeon relationship culminated in one of the hardest boss fights i had ever experienced. Jecth not only seemed cool in his human form, but his aeon form totally kicks ass in the design department.

9.) The Yellow Squadron Aircraft (Ace Combat 4) - everytime these guys took the air, i always thought "shit, its time to turn it on now.." the AI of these planes was insane. they would dodge every missile and lock you on like they were human opponents. above all else, knowing "Yellow 13" as the ultimate air bad ass made me just want to chase him around with reckless abandon.

8.) Metal Gear REX vs. Metal Gear RAY (Metal Gear Solid 4) - when i realized that i was going to actually pilot the most iconic metal gear of them all, i was ecstatic. when i realized i was going to fight another, more advanced metal gear, i was blown off the edge.

7.) Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) - this half angel winged guy floating in a fire-strewn space who launches explosions of cosmic proportions made him extremely intimidating for me. just looking at him made me think "shit, i'm here too early". that supernova spell looks like it'll turn cloud, along with the entire world into dust.

6.) William (Resident Evil 2) - this guy just appears, gets dropped, then keeps coming back for more, and every time he does, i get scared out of my wits. epic bullet holes appeared on my tv screen as it rumbled like it was gonna fall off when i fired at him with my shotgun during the cargo elevator scene.. even when i was watching my brother fight him, i was on edge. pity the other resident evil bosses were wimps.

5.) C'thun (World of Warcraft) - Ahn Qiraj was, at the time of release, the most kick ass dungeon in WoW. when me and my raid team got to C'thun for the first time, we realized two things: first, its impossible to kill him, and second, that voice is freaking scary. i would have nightmares of that voice nights after we would wipe on him continuously.

4.) Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid) - "SO.. you like playing CASTLEVANIA..." and i was like "holy god damn wtf". yeah, he freaked me out to hell. the feeling of crisis, as i couldn't hit mantis with anything and he would turn the screen black and i would think that the playstation died, mingled with the absolute stupidity from the codec was the most confusing, yet rewarding, experience in gaming history. "plug the controller into port 2!" wtf?

3.) The Colossi (Shadow of the Colossus) - seeing one of these things made me feel the absolute futility of my work. i have a lil sword that glows in the dark that i gotta use to kill a 300 foot tall monster made of stone.... yeah.. that's gonna work.

2.) Zeus (God of War 2) - from beginning to end, i just hated this guy's guts. i could feel kratos' anger coursing through my veins, and i really wanted to beat zeus to a pulp. since i didn't get to beat him to a pulp at the end of the game, the anger still continues to course through my veins.. hopefully in god of war 3, kratos will satisfy my rage and finally end the reign of that backstabbing prick of a god!

1.) The End (Metal Gear Solid 3) - i had no idea how to fight this guy on any easier circumstances, nor did i want to take any shortcuts, so i waited like a good sniper would. i played a thrilling Enemy at the Gates-esque scene, where i was Jude Law and he was Ed Harris. i didn't budge from my seat through the first five hours of the battle. i got my ass whipped twice, but he never killed me and instead took me to a woodshed for another crack, seeming to 'want' me to become a better sniper. i never regretted the 12 something hours that took me to beat this guy. epic fight, best boss ever.


(EDITED for accuracy and grammar)

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someone knows there shit
+1 cookie for you

Rugal KOF 1996, Bison SFII, orochi etc... Fighting games bosses are really Hardcore too.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

Wii code: 6775-1034-2238-1634

PSN: birdie93      XBL: luthor93

3DS: 3909-7597-9889

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yeah, but they didn't offer me an experience that made me go 'holy shit, this is totally unique'.

i can play bison for god's sake :P

There are no nintendo bosses on your list
to name a few:mighty poo, ganon, bowser, the undefeatable wizpig, mizar, saturos, gruntilda and the hag 1, trevelyn, skull kid, meta ridley, etc...
I must say the MGS boss fights are quite epic


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yeah.. i mentioned that my list is incomplete coz i was primarily a sony console owner. the snes bosses i faced though, were kinda meh. i wanted to put the bowser, but.. next to the others in hindsight it kinda wasn't much of a fight :P

Donald Trump

Yep, Ocarina of Time's final fight is epic too.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

Wii code: 6775-1034-2238-1634

PSN: birdie93      XBL: luthor93

3DS: 3909-7597-9889

You can add me, I won't stop you!

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What, no Pyramid Head and Kefka? Fail!

Your list is quite good, i havent buyed any new generation system, iam still with ps2 and psp, i am waitin to FFXIII to buy a PS3, so maybe i am missing most impressive boss fights., my list is based in my actual feelings fighting that battles, the feeling of wowness, that means that fights that have a heavy story background has preferences in this list.


10. anubis(zone of the enders 2): awesome effects, graphics, music and zero shifts makes this fight impresive

9. That elite squadron that you face in ace combat x, had the best music, very good dialogue, and it was the best dodfighting i have ever had in the series. quite impresive

8. Darkcrussader (Vagrant story): figthing alongside sidney in a 2vs2 fight + my favorite boss fight theme of the game.

7. Magus, Tyranno and Queen zeal(chrono trigger): were my first epics boss battles

6. Guilderstern (Vagrant story): "come riskbreaker help me to celebrate my Ascencion", fighting in the summit of the great catedral with a emerging god, great.

5. Atma weapon VI: was my first epic and difficult fight in an rpg (at the time i played ffvi the only rpg i have played was crono trigger)

4. The Boss(MGS3): my favorite fictional Femenine character of all times, this includes all the media(movies,anime,series,books etc.), a bed of white roses, the snake eater theme, the feeling that she is far superior than you, and the emotional signifiacne.

3. Kefka all tiers(FFVI): the emotional moment, this fights represent for me the godness of kefka, you begin fighting in his hell and then you advance until you reach the glory of kefka, with his angel form, with that insane and at the same time divine light in the background, epic. the music dancing mad is epic too

2. All the Shagohod boss sequense (MGS3): at this time this is the most awesome boss fight i have ever played, cinematic, shooting to the soldiers, pursuit, sniper shots, a kiss from your girl, the music, just EPIC.

1. Sephiroth(FF7) - the culmination of my favorite FF and villian, when the voices in "one winged angel" starts to sing i was just blown away (was the first fight with a epic song with actual voices that i have experienced), and when he uses superonova i just began to shout out: God please help me!

sorry for my superbad english