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Forums - Gaming Discussion - kingdom heart 3 will be announced very very Soon

Kasz216 said:
Obliterator1700 said:
Kasz216 said:
Obliterator1700 said:
Kasz216 said:
Obliterator1700 said:
^Many of them still have ps2 and are'nt at 7th generation yet...

True, though of those who have moved up, i'd say more have Wiis.

As for the rest, they're mainstream and late adopters... they tend to follow the same trends as the early adopters, it just takes them longer to adopt for various reasons.

Consumer Psychology wise it shouldn't change much and the numbers should just grow more in Wii's favor.


I would'nt excatly say that as I'm sure a large chunk of Wii owners are new to the gaming environment.



Wii has more then doubled PS2 currently. Even with a humongus chunk it should be the case... or close to it... and going to be the case.


It will eventually stop because unlike sonys ps2 it doesn't attract all audiences. Such as anolder audience. Sonys ps2 also attracted the movie audience by having a Dvd installed in it. Wii misses somethingswhich the ps2 had. 30million is very far from 140million, and its till to early to say the Wii will win the consolewar forget beating the ps2.



The Wii attracts older audiences fine. It actually attracts a wider audience then the PS2 has. Note how it sells vs the PS2.

The PS3 is the one with the limited audience it would seem. So to try and use that as an arguement FOR the PS3 is silly.

I mean... either you are saying that the "adult" audience is pretty limited considering the Wii is selling better then the PS2 without it.  Making videogames mostly a kids and old persons toy, and that the PS3 and 360 won't be doing well soon, or that it's a large part in the market... which would defeat your arguement since otherwise wii couldn't sell that well.

Could the Wii end up falling short of the PS2? Yeah sure. Any arguement for that currently would not be supported by any reasonable factors though and be a "I hope" situation.

"It actually attracts a wider audience then the PS2 has." What audience has it attracted that the ps2 didn't?

The ps3 keeeps on improving. Its hard to believe it has such a large amount of sales do to the price and lack of games. Can you imagine the sells when the price drops to 300 or below? Dont tell me the price doesn't matter. Last I recallps3 sales went up by 170% in Novemeber(Price drop) . Total sales of 496,000. It shows that money does indeed play a factor in this.  

"Ps3 won't be doing well soon." How can this be true? Their about to release an 80gb for $400. That would probably mean more sales. God of war 3 is coming... Wouldn't that tranlate into sales? You saw what MGS4... Ps3 has the best line up for the year so far and everyone knows it.We have'nt heard any news about kh3 whats so ever. Which gives the ps3  more time to grow a bigger audience.

 I'm sure that as soon as the ps3 gets another price drop it will be selling just as well as the Wii if not better.


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talkingparrot said:
Shadowblind said:
talkingparrot said:
Incandescence said:
So I won't have to get a PS3. 360 or Wii is fine with me, and that's what I'm hoping for.


Yeah this reason doesn't sound selfish.  Lets hope Microsoft buys the IP to a title that was built from the ground up on a Sony platform.  Too much sense.

Why do you think Microsoft would have to buy the entire IP to have it on they're console?


if your talking about just putting it on a different console, it doesn't have to make sense. DMC, GTA, and Final Fantasy already have taken the jump, and sold extremely well, with the exception of FF(hasn't been released).


You are forgoing way too many logistics to be wishing that Xbox 360 gets exclusivity to Kingdom Hearts 3.  It would be more than possible for multiplatform, but exclusivity, God no.  Microsoft first off would have to pay a ludicrous amount of money.  We're talking in the realm of 200+ million.


But lets forget money hatting altogether.  Do you know how many Japanese fans would be upset and angry about the Xbox 360 getting the title exclusively?  I think you took what I said and misdirected.  The chick up top said that she hopes Microsoft "buys" the title.  Ensuring Microsoft would have exclusivity over Kingdom Hearts.  This is not likely.


I could care less if the title is multiplatform.  The more people who get to play it, the better.  However, it will upset me if one console ends up getting it.  The title can be lead PS3, and be ported down toe 360 and Wii (with concessions).  The title can also be on Wii and PS2.  However, if it were to be exclusive, it would be to PS3.  Ask Nomura, whose current spiritual succesor to Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy Versus XIII is exclusive to PS3.



 I don't remember posting that I wanted it for fact i don't remember posting I want it at all. I want it to be multiplat. like you said, the more the merrier(I didnt spell that right did I?)


Yuck. If it comes out for PS3 first I don't want it on Wii or 360. Ports usually fair not-so-well, like FFXIII may do.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Kasz216 said:
Million said:
SleepWaking said:
Million said:
Kasz216 said:
Million said:
Soriku said:
shanbcn said:
dtewi said:
regin2005 said:
SleepWaking said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Now that Kingdom Hearts III wasn't announced for a Sony Console at Square-Enix's expose all the Sony supporters are defaulting on the argument, "This won't be announced for along time, so stop talking about it!" when just a few days ago they were all excited to see it announced for the PS3 or PSP.


you have no clue what you're talking about.


Yeah he really doesn't have a clue



I was just saying the if the announcement was indeed KH3, is would be released for a console in SE's best interest. That's all.

Actually, Disney has more say in where it goes.



Since Disney have much much better relations with Sony and Nomura will develop it. So KH3 is 100% confirmed PS3 exclusive.



But have you even played a KH? From your (false) info that your spewing I doubt it... many things wrong with this post, but then again looking at your post history then you shouldn't be taken seriously.

Also...WHY THE F*** would Disney completely ignore their KH target audience which is a big part of the audience on the Wii and who are not on the PS3?


What audience is this ? The audience that left the PS2(the home of KH1&2) and all bought Wii's ?

You don't think more people who owned PS2s own Wiis then PS3? I think so. Most people don't give a damn about brandnames *SNIP*.

You have no quanitifable information about the relation between PS2 to Wii adapotion or of PS2 to PS3 adoption so asking my opinion about things you have no information to disprove me with is illogical.My business teacher at college would probbaly drop kick me if i said anything like your last sentence , i won't even try to argue against that last sentence but i'll give you a name "Coca-Cola", research.

Throw in the kid demographic that doesn't care that it's a sequel and just wants to see Disney characters... and there you go. (People say it's not marketed to kids, i say people didn't pay attention to the advertising when the game came out. It was like a nonstop kidshow/disney channel marketing blitz to the point of where i have that stupid techno song stuck in my head from the first one.)

Kingdom Hearts has a mixed demographic it's an Action RPG game which features Final Fantasy characters , so your argument about it only apealing only to little kids is flawed . KH is likely to be a huge seller on the PS3 , bundled would PS3's(blu-ray players ) it would be a killer combo.





you do not have any prove it wil do good on the Ps3 so telling him something about things you have no information to disprove him with is illogical.



I like what you've done there but you've distinguished the two arguments incorrectly , I don't need to have any factual information or outside sources for my argument to be feasible , however a claim such as "more PS2 owners now have Wii's than PS2 owners that have PS3'3" does require quantifiable evidence to support it.

How do you need to outside arguement or sources for it to be feasable? The PS3 has sold less then half what the Wii has... 15 million.



Lets ignore install base and ask Boom Blox, and No More Heroes how third party AAA titles sell on the Wii.  Like I said, by the time this title comes out, PS3 will be 199 or cheaper, redesigned and slimmer, and appeal to a casual audience.  People can speculate and bitch and moan all they want.

The reality is this:

Final Fantasy XIII USA - 2010

Final Fantasy Versus XIII USA - 2011/2012

Kingdom Hearts 3 USA - 2011/2012

This is 2 + years off.  By that time, all the consoles will be more than affordable, and this rabid fanboyism this site draws will pretty much be meaningless.

Console Agnostic since 2001.

@Obliterator The Wii attracts non gamers casuals, and core, while the ps2 only attracts Casuals and core. As for sales, no matter what sony does it won't best the wii. The wii just has more mainstream appeal. It targets 3 separate demographics, probably even more, while the ps3 only targets 1

Shadowblind said:
talkingparrot said:
Shadowblind said:
talkingparrot said:
Incandescence said:
So I won't have to get a PS3. 360 or Wii is fine with me, and that's what I'm hoping for.


Yeah this reason doesn't sound selfish.  Lets hope Microsoft buys the IP to a title that was built from the ground up on a Sony platform.  Too much sense.

Why do you think Microsoft would have to buy the entire IP to have it on they're console?


if your talking about just putting it on a different console, it doesn't have to make sense. DMC, GTA, and Final Fantasy already have taken the jump, and sold extremely well, with the exception of FF(hasn't been released).


You are forgoing way too many logistics to be wishing that Xbox 360 gets exclusivity to Kingdom Hearts 3.  It would be more than possible for multiplatform, but exclusivity, God no.  Microsoft first off would have to pay a ludicrous amount of money.  We're talking in the realm of 200+ million.


But lets forget money hatting altogether.  Do you know how many Japanese fans would be upset and angry about the Xbox 360 getting the title exclusively?  I think you took what I said and misdirected.  The chick up top said that she hopes Microsoft "buys" the title.  Ensuring Microsoft would have exclusivity over Kingdom Hearts.  This is not likely.


I could care less if the title is multiplatform.  The more people who get to play it, the better.  However, it will upset me if one console ends up getting it.  The title can be lead PS3, and be ported down toe 360 and Wii (with concessions).  The title can also be on Wii and PS2.  However, if it were to be exclusive, it would be to PS3.  Ask Nomura, whose current spiritual succesor to Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy Versus XIII is exclusive to PS3.



 I don't remember posting that I wanted it for fact i don't remember posting I want it at all. I want it to be multiplat. like you said, the more the merrier(I didnt spell that right did I?)


Yuck. If it comes out for PS3 first I don't want it on Wii or 360. Ports usually fair not-so-well, like FFXIII may do.

Buddy I'm quoting Incadescence.  Go look at the first page where she touts not wanting to buy a PS3 and hoping Microsoft buys it.  Sometimes the people on this site baffle me.

OT: I hope little big planet sells well.  IF a game like that breaks through the casual market, it will show the HD consoles can garner some of those Wii sales.

Console Agnostic since 2001.

Around the Network

@Talkingparrot No More Heroes is the best selling Grasshopper game, and sold more than a multiplat on the ps2, and gamecube by many times. Boom Blox was advertised to the wrong audience and has excellent legs btw. How about you look at existing ips like Resident Evil to compare with an existing IP. ANd that is a game that targets one demograph while KH targets many.

talkingparrot said:
Shadowblind said:
talkingparrot said:
Shadowblind said:
talkingparrot said:
Incandescence said:
So I won't have to get a PS3. 360 or Wii is fine with me, and that's what I'm hoping for.


Yeah this reason doesn't sound selfish.  Lets hope Microsoft buys the IP to a title that was built from the ground up on a Sony platform.  Too much sense.

Why do you think Microsoft would have to buy the entire IP to have it on they're console?


if your talking about just putting it on a different console, it doesn't have to make sense. DMC, GTA, and Final Fantasy already have taken the jump, and sold extremely well, with the exception of FF(hasn't been released).


You are forgoing way too many logistics to be wishing that Xbox 360 gets exclusivity to Kingdom Hearts 3.  It would be more than possible for multiplatform, but exclusivity, God no.  Microsoft first off would have to pay a ludicrous amount of money.  We're talking in the realm of 200+ million.


But lets forget money hatting altogether.  Do you know how many Japanese fans would be upset and angry about the Xbox 360 getting the title exclusively?  I think you took what I said and misdirected.  The chick up top said that she hopes Microsoft "buys" the title.  Ensuring Microsoft would have exclusivity over Kingdom Hearts.  This is not likely.


I could care less if the title is multiplatform.  The more people who get to play it, the better.  However, it will upset me if one console ends up getting it.  The title can be lead PS3, and be ported down toe 360 and Wii (with concessions).  The title can also be on Wii and PS2.  However, if it were to be exclusive, it would be to PS3.  Ask Nomura, whose current spiritual succesor to Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy Versus XIII is exclusive to PS3.



 I don't remember posting that I wanted it for fact i don't remember posting I want it at all. I want it to be multiplat. like you said, the more the merrier(I didnt spell that right did I?)


Yuck. If it comes out for PS3 first I don't want it on Wii or 360. Ports usually fair not-so-well, like FFXIII may do.

Buddy I'm quoting Incadescence.  Go look at the first page where she touts not wanting to buy a PS3 and hoping Microsoft buys it.  Sometimes the people on this site baffle me.



 Oh. Incidently you also quoted me as well. No wonder you post didn't make much sense to me...or am I reading this wrong.


Wait what?


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

alpha_dk said:
mike_intellivision said:
Just curious -- what is left in the Disney university for KH3?

Maybe its time for it to move on to another universe of characters?

Mike from Morgantown

Well, considering Disney owns it, I am not sure that'll ever happen.


Then put it down for whatever console that Disney has emphasized this generation.

And I believe that has been the Wii.


Plus, without BC, the old "this has been on Sony" arguement no longer holds water. And if FF can move, again, then so can KH.


Mike from Morgantown




I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


sc94597 said:
@Obliterator The Wii attracts non gamers casuals, and core, while the ps2 only attracts Casuals and core. As for sales, no matter what sony does it won't best the wii. The wii just has more mainstream appeal. It targets 3 separate demographics, probably even more, while the ps3 only targets 1


Look at Wii third party game sales numbers.  I don't compare how many numbers the Wii puts up in terms of consoles sold.  Look at the VG Chartz sales rank of No More Heroes and Boom Blox.  The Wii targets casual gamers.  Guitar Hero / Smash Brothers / Wii Sports.  Pick up and play games.  Games with actual depth sell fairly poor on the console.  Your pulling facts out your ass.

Console Agnostic since 2001.

mike_intellivision said:
alpha_dk said:
mike_intellivision said:
Just curious -- what is left in the Disney university for KH3?

Maybe its time for it to move on to another universe of characters?

Mike from Morgantown

Well, considering Disney owns it, I am not sure that'll ever happen.


Then put it down for whatever console that Disney has emphasized this generation.

And I believe that has been the Wii.


Plus, without BC, the old "this has been on Sony" arguement no longer holds water. And if FF can move, again, then so can KH.


Mike from Morgantown




When did Disney embrace the Wii exactly?  Please do tell.  I can tell you that Sony, MGM, and Disney all sit on the bluray board together.  I can tell you Sony and Disney have very strong partnerships.  I can tell you Sony owns 10% of Squaresoft.  Does that mean Kingdom Hearts will definetively be on PS3? No. 


Just like your arguement has facts you just pulled out your ass.

Console Agnostic since 2001.