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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will SE support the Wii?

Don't forget Tales of Symphonia... I never played the first one, but since there is such a lack of RPGs on the Wii I'll get it.


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^ That is a namco game.

SHMUPGurus said:

. For Nintendo, the DS is leading in sales...

Still, I guess they hate money? o_o;


Yes DS is leading in hardware sales but not anymore in software sales.  Don't you forget about piracy ? We all know that for Nintendo the leading in software sales is Wii, now... (despite the fact that DS harware is 3 times Wii hardware).

@fabinou: Usually people buy less games for handhelds, that they do for home consoles. I don't think piracy has that much to do with it, besides, if it's only about 1st party games, the competition on DS is a lot different, since DS has a shitload of quality 3rd party games.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

@bdbdbd: Yep, having the biggest SE franchise along with TLR come to 360 was just stupid. Also IU and SO are ports /sarcasm

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

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trestres said:
Rushed cash-ins are not what people expect from SE. At least not what I expected. Very stupid from them, but I know they are doing it on purpose, there's simply no other explanation.

I wont argue with your views about Soul Eater it wont go anywhere.
Im just not sure what point youre trying to make here? Do you want SE to support Wii more and rant about it here or just rant saying SE isnt supporting Wii?

But this "Very stupid from them, but I know they are doing it on purpose, there's simply no other explanation."
I must lmao about.:P Its a pretty stupid thing for you to say. Theyre doing it on purpose??? lmao!
I'l stop there.

BTW mainly fanboys get excited for SE remakes/ports. I wouldnt call that support for any system.A new game is support not an old game with better graphics.


dib8rman said:
I refuse to do this again. >.>

1. Publishers don't know how to sell on the Wii (fixing)
2. Chocobo Dungeon is the usual SE misconception that people who own Nintendo hand helds own Nintendo consoles.
3. SE likes money, when FFXII comes out on the PS3 it will sell around 2~3 million units in the first 7 months or so after that I don't know, but it will be the worst selling FF main stay on the Playstation platform combined with the Xbox360 sales then your looking at CoD4 * 1/2.
I don't think Squares investors like the sound of testing demographics with their main series, while I'm sure Wada wants to stay in the CGI area as well as his developers, I have quotes of them saying CGI is a weapon for Square that sets them apart from the rest.
4. Wii development for Square is inevitable but it wont be happening soon, probably 2011, Square invested way too heavily into the PS3 and in 2007 they were stuck with a decision. to lower the loss by shifiting to more western development or going with the trend. The chose to go with western however my guess is their investors didn't like that idea and Square made Dragon Quest Swords and Chocobo Dungeon as fast as possible. (Probably under a year)

5. FFCC: What I'm about to state is my understanding of facts.
In 2005/6 Square showed a trailer for FFCC:CB which didn have a release date, the game did look very cool though, at this point Square was also boasting their white engine, later on the engine became known as the crystal engine and Square also announced the tool set worked on multiple formats - they went indepth to explain that the Wii could oblige fuctions in this "powerful" engine. Just before this point as I'm sure others remember - FFCC:CB was scheduled to be released in June 2008, then moved to October 2008 I believe and then it vanished. That was about a month before the announcement of the renaming of the white engine.

I'm thinking SE is just trying to do what they always do, and that is the make the most beutiful game to push the systems limits while achieving an art style the would over shadow the competitions titles.

- As a side note, I remember Sony saying if first party titles fail then it's healthy for 3rd parties.. I figure he was talking about Folk Lore...

wrong in bold.

i doubt i will go below ff12 that sold 3.6 thats for sure..

nomura games generally are 5 million average, even FF X-2 that wasn't much , sold like nuts.

btw: nomura is as perfectionist like hideo kojima (probably a bit less but those 2 are japanese genious minds), unless square force some brute force or lure him into making a wii game i don't think kh will go to the wii.

the only game that nomura did something in a nintendo console was the world ends with you, but the game was nothing extraordinary and was fast and rushed due the 2d sprites.

@Jo21: Umm... Didn't you just contradict what you said, or did i just misunderstood you?
So Nomura is a perfectionist, who can make rushed games.

And dib8erman said in seven months. It could reach higher numbers later in the gen.

@trestres: No, it's not stupid. I think i never implied it being stupid. The thing is, that you have various ways to get the support.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I think the first batch of Wii games are already in the works at SE, but they are not ready to show anything (early concepts, artwork, etc). They will star showing them at TGS (1 or 2 projects), with the first releasing in summer 2009 in japan. And of course some odd projects will be realeased in between (the wine "game").

Plenty of SE games are in the works coming soon to the Wii.