-E3 2005: Sony shows their PS3 with 'banana controller'
-Tokyo gameshow 2005: Nintendo unveils their controller for the (then called) Revolution. However, they don't say how it works.
-March 06 gameshow:
1) Nintendo shows the revolution to the press with NDA disclosure and show how the controller works (somekind of 3D controlls)...
2) Sony drops 'banana' control scheme (Cause of mass presure from the audience) they say (Essentialy... It was the Wiimote that made em do it)...
-Pre E3: Sony shows their 'new' controller: The SixaxiS... With 2D motion mapping!(...) They say it will 'Revolutionize the industry' (Yeah right...)
-E3 2006:
1) Sony press conference: Devs show Warhawk... The 1st game to show of how the SixaxiS works and feels. (That demonstration sucked btw)(...) They say it makes the game feel more natural and enables you to fly around really intuitive... Blablabla more PR talk...
2) Nintendo blows the competition away with their 'more superior' 3D controller called Wiimote.
-Later on word came out that the Devs of Warhawk got a message from Sony a few weeks before E3 that they had a new controller (With 2D motion mapping)... And that they wanted Warhawk to be the First game to make use of it... And to show of to the audience at E3 that they already had games for it and were experimenting with it for the last couple of years (Which essentialy was a lie... Cause they just got scared about Nintendo's new controller and wanted to react on it... Which is why they could only implement 2D and got back to the Dual-shock design... A.K.A: Too little time to make a good redesign of the controller)
June 25th: I wake up and see the new issue of the 'Power Unlimited' on my doorstep (U should know... I live in Holland... Where Power Unlimited is the biggest gamesmagazine)
I look through the issue... And see Warhawk preview! (Interesting...) And i begin to read it... (...)It says: The played it a few months ago... And a few weeks ago(...)When they played it a few months ago it had SixaxiS controlls... But they sucked! Hard!...(...)A few weeks ago they were invited to play it again... And the only option was to controll it with dual analog sticks... Which played far better they said... Devs of Warhawk DROPPED the SixaxiS controlls implemented by Sony a few weeks before E3 2006 to try and counter Nintendo's Wiimote! And warhawk dropped the controllscheme!!!!
*Power Unlimited is by no means involved in this post, nor are their superiors. They have roots in the industry and don't make bold claims. They hold emselves to NDA disclosures and get their information from press trips organized by developers or multimedia companies.
Edit: This better?! Fanboyish stuff removed!