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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Could a Barack Obama victory in 2008 increase X360 sales in Others/Japan?

Hey even the Iraqis were for the US invading Iraq at first. They just didn't know Bush would do such an inept job of it.  It's only now that the Iraqi people are pissed we invaded.

Kinda how a large portion of people int he US say they didn't vote for Bush even though he won the 2nd election.

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Kasz216 said:
luinil said:
O please fill me in on what I missed about Reagan. What exactly happened during the Reagan era that makes everything that went wrong under Carter pale in comparison?

Iran Contra?



Didn't Carter basically throw the Shah of Iran to the wolves? Carter did nothing while we had Americans hostage in our embassy. Could the overthrow of the Iranian government under Carter have setup that deal? (Not a good thing by the way, but I don't think it qualifies as making "Staglfation" Pale in Comparison.)

mrstickball said:
How about if Obama gets elected it'll have a negative effect? His socialization of every facet of American life will kill the economy, and kill the US gaming industry...And eventually kill MS's video game systems.

Hows that for an answer?

Yeah I would think someone like mrstickball would have an answer like that...Kill the economy? Just like the last democrat in office right? Yea we better elect another republican who will screw over every day people in order to make the corporate world happy. Guess what though, if the common man isn't happy big corporations aint makin jack shit.


Jandre002 said:
mrstickball said:
How about if Obama gets elected it'll have a negative effect? His socialization of every facet of American life will kill the economy, and kill the US gaming industry...And eventually kill MS's video game systems.

Hows that for an answer?

Yeah I would think someone like mrstickball would have an answer like that...Kill the economy? Just like the last democrat in office right? Yea we better elect another republican who will screw over every day people in order to make the corporate world happy. Guess what though, if the common man isn't happy big corporations aint makin jack shit.



Ok... I shouldn't butt in, but I gotta ask... How did President Bush screw over every day people? O.o

luinil said:
Kasz216 said:
luinil said:
O please fill me in on what I missed about Reagan. What exactly happened during the Reagan era that makes everything that went wrong under Carter pale in comparison?

Iran Contra?



Didn't Carter basically throw the Shah of Iran to the wolves? Carter did nothing while we had Americans hostage in our embassy. Could the overthrow of the Iranian government under Carter have setup that deal? (Not a good thing by the way, but I don't think it qualifies as making "Staglfation" Pale in Comparison.)

What was wrong with throwing the Shah of Iran to the wolves?

He was only in power because of the US' previous error in removing a democratically elected official from power.

Well ok... it was more a British error.... but the US helped.

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This is surely one of the most ridiculous fanboy beliefs that exist, i.e. that the XBox does badly outside of America because Microsoft is an American company. People do not base their day to day purchasing decisions on international politics.


I'm sorry but there is not the least bit of truth in that at all. American culture is already so far integrated into people's lives over here that even if they all shared your distaste of the Iraq war (and of course most are simply indifferent) it would not begin to have an effect on their buying habits. George Bush is still in the White House and yet we see heavy American influences and imports everywhere: Films, television, music, clothing, even the recent proliferation of coffee shops on every street in our major cities. Why would the XBox brand be specially targeted? Politics of this nature has had no effect whatsoever on purchasing patterns and neither will it.

This thread is supposd to be a joke right?

Doesn't matter whos president. Never has, never will, unless one turns the US into a communist or something huge.

Actually, the 360 does worse in Japan because MS isn't a Jap company.  I don't know why, but thtas how it is.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Lol this thread is such a joke and come and what if he losses?

This thread is funny. And the Conservatives inside it are even more hilarious. Hell, I think I'd break my "don't be pretentious" policy just for this thread.

There are some people who we don't usually get in Off Topic that are posting in this thread and providing opinions, so I'd say this is turning out great.

Anyways, what you all fail to realize is that both candidates are complete liars and make up policies based on what they think the largest number of people believe in at that certain moment. This has been going on with nearly every presidential election ever and people still think they're geniuses because they listen to each candidate's views.

Actually, both candidates are pretty much tools of their respective party, so you have to look at which party suits you, and not the candidate. In this case, the Democrats clearly are a lesser of two evils.

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

-Albert Einstein

Now, why would you vote for McCain when the Republican party is clearly in shambles? There have been periods where one party was clearly the better choice (Reagan years) and where the opposite party was needed (present day).

Not that I need to convince anyone, Obama is almost certain to win the candidacy, unless the Republicans try one of those smear campaigns which they seem to enjoy so much.





I dont think the campaign will really effect console sales.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.