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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is exclusive DLC really that important?

i tend to think that it won't make much of a difference. majority of buyers are looking for the title and the main game, not the "addons" really. i don't think microsoft's paying for exclusive dlc is worth much..

what do you guys think?

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For GTA4 I think it was important because microsoft wanted to convince everyone that GTA is now an xbox franchise first.

For other games, not so much. But then again, we know MS paid 50 mil for GTA4 but fallout DLC could have been won in a poker game as far as we know.

hell no, when i purchase i game i dont really think about content i am going to be downloading weeks or months down the line

but is this dlc even being marketed with the 360 version of the game? i mean, when you buy it, does it come with a note saying that it has exclusive dlc?

it's a waste of money. i'd put money that 90%+ of GTA4 buyers bought whatever version of the game they bought with no knowledge of the exclusive dlc.

i mean for fucks sack, the online attach rate is only like 50% and i'm sure a significant portion of those who are online don't care about online much anyways.

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bugrimmar said:
but is this dlc even being marketed with the 360 version of the game? i mean, when you buy it, does it come with a note saying that it has exclusive dlc?


 Are we talking GTA4?

Cause I'm pretty sure that when DLC becomes available, the game will get some ads and a marketing push telling the public DLC is for gTA4 is available "Only on xbox 360"

NOt really, everyone forgot about GTA DLC already.


It's important for three kinds of people:

1. Those that have both a PS3 and 360. This could edge them into picking up a 360 copy as opposed to a PS3.

2. People that own neither console and are on the fence on which to buy to play this particular game.

3. Fanatics of the franchise in question. There are people that are so in love with a franchise they will buy an additional console for something like exclusive DLC in the future.

Overall it's not very impactful I think. It does give an image that the 360 will continue to have exclusive DLC going into the future, which is nice to know for people that own one. I don't like limiting PS3 owners, but in this case, the developer may have skipped DLC altogether had it not been for these payouts.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Depends on the content, and how soon it's delivered ^^ For some games? Absolutely. But if the 360 got additional Turok content... well... I'd have to think about it >_>;;

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

but isn't 50 mil a bit too extreme just to get fence sitters about gta 4 to their side?